F!Sole has White-Faced Baby Doe that She Has To Raise that Thinks She's Its Mom

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Cait - Is not outwardly impressed with it, but she does secretly think it's pretty cute for a deer. It definitely looks better than the local radstags around that have multiple legs and heads. This one is actually so normal that it looks abnormal. She quietly resolves to make sure that nothing happens to it and that no one targets it as a trophy when it grows up.

Piper - Thinks that it is the most adorable thing she's ever seen, and she often asks F!Sole if she can help feed it. F!Sole always has to start the bottle-feeding to get the baby to start suckling, but Piper can usually take it from there. When she does, she is grinning ridiculously and looking at F!Sole with wonder in her eyes. She is absolutely in love with the creature.

Curie - Is truly fascinated by it and finds it to be terribly cute. She cannot believe that such a pristine specimen has somehow materialized from the Commonwealth. Naturally, she wants to run some tests and examine it as closely as possible. Of course, she is not only examining it for science despite how she insists. She also really likes to just watch the young animal because it makes for such a happy feeling inside.

MacCready - Is laughing gleefully and kneeling down to pet it as soon as he sees it. He thinks that it is positively adorable, and he asks F!Sole if she thinks that there was some special vault dedicated to preserving animals and they've just now released the creatures into the Commonwealth. He has never seen anything before that resembled the little thing and he has lived in both the Capitol Wasteland and the Commonwealth.

Deacon - Starts trying to help F!Sole think of a name for the fawn. He tells her that she should definitely name it something harsh and tough like Killer, Spike, or Diablo. He likes the irony of it all, and he also thinks it would be really cool if she could threaten people with her pet without ever having to show the deer and just relying on its name. However, she does not seem so enthused with his ideas. 

Codsworth - Is excited about getting to help F!Sole raise young regardless of its species. Something deep in his programming just sparks up and makes him happier than ever when he is caretaking. He is even happier than usual, and even starts referring to the small fawn as if it is a baby. F!Sole recognizes it as his way of coping with the loss of the true Shaun, so she leaves him be as he babies the creature.

Hancock - Is in love with it, and frequently is stopping by to pet it. He just loves to sit next to it and stroke it gently, quietly taking in the beauty of something so magnificently unmarred and untouched by radiation. He likes to quietly spend time with it, and he promises that he will never let a thing happen to the little creature.

Danse - Very sheepishly and quietly asks to help feed it only minutes after meeting it. F!Sole gets her on the bottle, and offers it to him to take over. The entire time, he is just staring at the fawn carefully, reaching his hand out and stroking its back as he just gently feeds it. He is so extremely in awe and the pair of them are honestly adorable.

Preston - Thinks she is the cutest thing he has seen in quite some time. He makes sure to keep a close eye on her to help keep her safe. When she grows up, he makes sure to send a message to the entire group of Minutemen to let them know to never harm the special deer since she is so important to the general.

Valentine - Feels his heart warm at the sight of it. He and F!Sole discuss just how unique that the creature is even by Pre-War standards. Neither of them have ever seen a fawn with so much white hair covering its body, and they honestly just love to ooh and ahh over how beautiful it is.

X6-88 - Believes that it is quite similar to the synth gorillas at the Institute. He suggests that they dissect it and look inside its brain to see if it possesses a synth component. When she yells about how bad of an idea that is and how horribly upsetting that is, he states that it was merely a suggestion and she needs to calm herself.

Dogmeat - Wants to play with her as soon as he meets her. F!Sole scolds him gently when he wants to play-fight or play chase, though, so he soon learns that it is best to just quietly snuggle with the creature. She is a great nap buddy, so he does not mind too much that she does not enjoy playing.

Strong - Is very excited when he sees it. He tells her that when it grows up, it will taste absolutely wonderful. She has to tell him that they won't be eating it and that it's a tamed pet like a hound. When he hears this, he sours and is very disappointed indeed. 

Maxson - Immediately asks if she would be willing to donate it to Senior Scribe Neriah. However, when she adamantly declines and informs him that this is her baby, he realizes just how important the creature must be to her. Therefore, he just calms her down and then proceeds to ask questions about how she found it and whatnot in an attempt to distract her from his blunder.

Sturges - Thinks it is absolutely adorable, and he even starts to build a large fence for it to keep it from wandering off and getting itself hurt. It is a project full of hard labor, but he finishes it within a few days, and he surprises F!Sole with the fence for her newest pet. She is absolutely thrilled and thanks him profusely. He is just glad to keep the little creature safe.

Glory - Is honestly shocked at the sight of it. She cannot believe something so unmarred and strangely beautiful actually came out of the Commonwealth. She eventually gets very fond of it, and she calls the both of them white-haired twins with a strangely huge smile as she strokes its head lovingly.

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