Teen F!Sole Screaming "Parkour!" and Doing Stunts Across Rooftops

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Cait - "Oi! Get yer little rear down here now! 'Ave ye lost yer mind?!!!!"

Piper - "BLUE!!! Get down from there right now! You aren't a freaking superhero! Geez, why do I have to take care of the only two kids on Earth that think it's normal to jump across rooftops?"

Curie - "Mademoiselle, please carefully climb down!!! You are in great danger upon rooftops, and if you make a mistake, you will fall and there could be a terrible medical crisis resulting!"

MacCready - "Hey!!! Get down!!! On a related note, do you know how to do one of those triple flips?!"

Deacon - "Okay, but have you ever heard the story of Humpty Dumpty? It was not a pretty ending when he fell..."

Codsworth - "YOUNG F!SOLE!!! Don't move!!! I will make my way up so I can guide you down safely!"

Hancock - "Well, this is too cool for me to put a stop to just yet and you seem to know what you're doing so... Can you do a backflip?!"

Danse - "Soldier, this is highly unadvisable! At least equip your suit of power armor if you are going to pull such ridiculous stunts!"

Preston - "General, we still need you here with us in the Commonwealth! DON'T JUMP!!!"

Valentine - "Kid, unless you suddenly sprout some wings, I'd suggest you get down."

X6-88 - "Ma'am, I would strongly suggest that you come down from there right this very moment. You are not made for high-impact landings."

Dogmeat - Does not understand what she's doing, and he's a little worried. She's in a place where he cannot reach her, and he fretfully chases her from his position on the ground, barking every once in a while out of concern for her.

Strong - "Tiny human going to fall and hit head! Tiny human should get down before tiny human gets hurt!!!"

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