Young F!Sole Gets Kidnapped

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A/N: Another continuation of the last request 🥰

Cait - Is an emotional wreck. She is absolutely beside herself with blinding rage but she also is terrified out of her mind that it is too late for the kid. As soon as she figure out where they took her, she is breaking down the door and brutally killing everyone in sight, screaming and keeping up a steady roar of something resembling a snarl when she is not raising her voice. When she has cleared them all out, she finds the kid and literally carries her out of there as quickly as she can. Once they are out, Cait takes the time to check for injuries.

Piper - Feels her stomach twisting with terror. She cannot believe that one of the two most valuable people in her life has been taken away from her like this. As soon as it happens, she tirelessly looks for leads and hunts down the kidnapper. Piper makes sure to call in Nick and a few other friends, and they all work together to take down the group. As soon as Piper spots the girl, she runs over to her, collapsing on her knees and hugging her tighter than she ever has. She then pulls away, kissing her cheeks, forehead, and nose repeatedly before questioning if her kid is okay. When she says that she is fine, Piper is just so relieved and almost feels like crying. They sit there for a while just hugging, and finally leave, Piper asking about what had happened.

Curie - Is in a pure panic, and has no idea what to do. Her first urge is to break down into tears of pure heartbreak and desperation. However, she tries to find traces of the kidnapper and tries to find them. Of course, she makes sure to enlist the help of any others that the girl and she had befriended since she cannot take them on all by herself. As soon as they have cleared the area well enough to reach the girl, Curie is running to the girl and checks for injuries all over her, trying desperately to ensure that she is unharmed. When she figures out that she is alright, Curie swiftly kisses her on the cheek and hugs her warmly. She then takes her by the hand and leads her out of there.

MacCready - Is terrified and almost panicking. He feels as if he might have some sort of mental breakdown at any minute, but he tries to hold it together because he knows how desperately he needs to find her. He quickly goes to Whitechapel Charlie, offering him whatever caps that the robot wants as long as he gives him a lead on where she might be. When Charlie tells him, MacCready makes a run for the place and starts shooting as soon as he's there. It takes him a while, but he finally gets through the nasty bunch and reaches her. When he gets there, his first instinct is to hug her so he does, his awkwardness actually not screwing things up for once. He finally asks if she's okay, and when he receives an affirmative on that, they head out quickly.

Deacon - Feels unadulterated fear coming over him unlike anything he has experienced before. It does not take him long at all to figure out where they took the girl given that he is such a well-accomplished spy, and he calls in Glory and several other members of the Railroad, and they all take the kidnappers out. Deacon then quickly hurries over to the kid, and as soon as he makes sure she is okay, he cracks a few jokes to lighten the mood and then heads out with her as he tries to collect himself.

Codsworth - Is worried sick and has no idea where to even begin looking. He feels like a failure and he is so upset that he failed his most important duty as a robot butler. He asks around quite a bit, trying to find out anything that he can, and he finally figures out where she is. He asks for the help of the Minutemen, and they all go in to save F!Sole. When he finds her, he feels so relieved that he could probably cry if he actually possessed tear ducts and human eyes. He quickly helps her up and they get out of there.

Hancock - Is immediately on a rampage as he addresses his citizens and pulls together a search party. They look high and low, and very quickly are able to find the kidnapper and his or her group. They then storm the place, and Hancock finds the girl swiftly. As soon as she tells him which one was the one that actually kidnapped her, he asks Fahrenheit to take her out of the place and let him have a moment alone with the person. He then brutally stabs them to death, taking a brutal pleasure in the entire thing.

Danse - Is riddled with extreme fear, anger, and guilt all rolled into one. He cannot believe that he has let the girl down and that he has been so sloppy as to let her be kidnapped from under his nose. He calls together his group, and he, Scribe Haylen, Knight Rhys, and several other Brotherhood operatives head out to find F!Sole. As soon as they locate the kidnapper and his or her group, all of them plough through the enemies with the greatest of ease. He then makes sure the girl is okay and offers her a much needed hug if she wants. He leads her out of there and mentally vows to never take his eyes off of her again.

Preston - Is so terribly worried and scared for her. He calls together as many of the Minutemen as he can get to accompany him to look for the girl, and they soon enough find the kidnapper's group. They give them an opportunity to surrender, and when it is declined, Preston and the Minutemen initiate a long, ugly fight. They finally win, and he runs to the girl, hugging her warmly before giving her a quick checkup. He takes her shoulders in his hands and guides her out of the place, trying to discourage her from looking at the bodies as they leave.

Valentine - Is more scared than he has felt in a really long time, and he feels a desperation gripping at him that he has never felt with such intensity. He ends up utilizing Dogmeat's fine nose to figure out where F!Sole was dragged off to, and the both of them find the group. He then gets together a small group of people including Piper, and they all storm the place, doing the best they can to fight all of them and get to the kid. As soon as they've beaten them all, Nick is hurrying over to the girl and asking if she is alright. When he knows she is fine, he gives her a quick but tight hug before helping her up and heading out of there with her.

X6-88 - Feels the largest amount of emotion come over him that he has ever felt. He is extremely angry but he manages to hold it together to make inquiries about her whereabouts. As soon as he follows the leads, he is blasting laser holes through every person that was part of the group that kidnapped her. He takes just a moment to pull his feelings back together enough for him to speak, and he asks her if she is alright in his usual fashion. When she says that she is, he tentatively and stiffly places a hand on her shoulder before telling her to follow him out of there.

Strong - Is absolutely enraged beyond belief. No one takes his tiny human. He looks for her everywhere, and when he finally finds her, he storms through the group that took her, his sledgehammer flying and his pipe rifle growing hot from the amount of use it is getting. He finally finishes all of them off, and he then makes his way over to her. He gives her a piece of raw meat he had found throughout his searching, and he has her follow him out of the place.

Maxson - Is horrified and utterly infuriated. He calls his best paladins and his most gutsy knights before heading out and relentlessly scouring the Commonwealth for the girl. When he finds them, he is at the head of the team, and he takes point as he ruthlessly tears through all of the enemies with his Gatling laser, and he roasts tons of holes throughout them. He then ensures she is okay before picking her up and carrying her out of the place.

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