Mufasa's Death Scene from Lion King Movie

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Cait - Is stoic, but feels her heart breaking despite the fact it is just a stupid movie. She actually liked Mufasa quite a bit as a character, and it hurts so much to see him die so early on, and now her eyes are burning just a bit. Dang it, this is a kid's movie! She's not supposed to cry about it! Of course, she also feels a burning anger inside toward Scar for his disgusting ways and his horrid betrayal.

Piper - Is honestly almost crying at this point. It reminds her too much of how she felt when her dad passed away. How helpless and alone she was and how the weight of the world seemed to be dragging at her. Plus, Mufasa reminds her of her own father, and that really makes her sad.

Curie - Is sobbing ridiculously, trying to find any tissues nearby so she can wipe her eyes. She is a terrible mess and she finds herself feeling so much all at once for both the little lion cub that just lost his father and for Mufasa himself since she really liked him.

MacCready - Is sniffling and barely holding it together. However, if anyone were to bring this fact up, he would completely deny it and practically chew his gums raw in an attempt to hold it together. It is just such a sad scene and it's so unfair for Simba.

Deacon - Is honestly really enthralled. The drama just keeps unfolding and he's the one poking F!Sole and asking if she knows what happens next. It's just really interesting to him, and he wonders what other plot twists will come along.

Codsworth - Is quite sad, and it somewhat reminds him of F!Sole and her family situation, but he keeps that thought to himself. The way the father dies and the child and the mother are the only ones left just really strikes a chord inside of him.

Hancock - Is ready to throw hands with Scar even if it is just a movie. No one messes with a little kid like that, and the whole situation just fires him up beyond belief. He is just so angry about it but he sticks around to see what happens next, hoping for vengeance to come swiftly and hotly upon Scar.

Danse - Is a mix of being angry about Scar's inevitable betrayal and feeling sad for Simba because he lost his father. He just sits back, his arms crossed firmly across his chest as he decides that he just ultimately hates this scene of the movie.

Preston - Tries to resist the urge to cry a little. He sniffles very occasionally, and he very surreptitiously wipes at his eyes and hopes no one is looking his way. It is just such a sad scene and the way Simba keeps calling for help makes him hurt inside.

Valentine - Remembers the movie from when the original Nick Valentine watched it before the bombs fell. It is just such a sad scene and he stoically lasts through it, just trying to hold it all together. 

X6-88 - Feels strangely a bit sad for Simba. He just carefully watches the scene, uncomfortably waiting for it to change and hoping that with that change he will lose some of these really strange and foreign emotions.

Dogmeat - Is whining with his ears laid back and keeps coming over to F!Sole and laying his head on her lap in an attempt to get some comfort. He does not so much understand what is being said on the movie as much as he understands the tone that the little lion is taking. He recognizes the sadness, hurt, and desperation in his voice. It is distressing for the dog.

Strong - Thinks that the big red-haired lion should have been stronger and should have beaten up the black-haired lion when he had the chance earlier in the movie. He does not fully understand that what he is watching is not happening right in front of him, which makes for some interesting reactions throughout the movie. Especially when the wildebeest are running toward the viewer. 

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