F!Sole Has Pet Rock Drake (From the Video Game ARK)

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Cait - Is somewhat terrified when she first sees it. It looks way too much like a deathclaw to her, and moreover, it is even larger than a deathclaw. However, she soon comes to appreciate how well it does in battle and how it causes raiders to bleed out ridiculously fast. She actually ends up befriending it herself, offering it meat when she can find some.

Piper - Is very scared at first, but as soon as F!Sole assures her that it will not attack and when it lowers its head to let her stroke the feathers on its enormous head, she is soon much less afraid. She is then determined to write an article about it, and she asks her Blue to tell her everything she knows about the creature.

Curie - Is not afraid at all when she first sees it, and is instead absolutely fascinated by the creature. She immediately is inspecting the thing all over, climbing on top of it and asking F!Sole if they can go for plenty of rides. For science, of course. 

MacCready - Is very wary at first, but soon enough grows very fond of it and rides it alongside F!Sole. He feels like a character in a really awesome comic book whenever he is on top of it and is climbing up walls, and he is soon a huge fan of the beast.

Deacon - Does not exactly trust the creature ever, but he does end up getting as fond of it as can be expected. He particularly loves its ability to turn itself and its rider(s) invisible. It makes undercover missions with F!Sole ten times more fun now that they can protect themselves or disguise themselves very efficiently if things go wrong. Plus, he loves to scare Glory when he can with the large beast.

Codsworth - Is worried about the safety of F!Sole. However, after she assures him repeatedly that it will not hurt her and that it is her pet, he eventually warms up to it. He even helps feed the creature and maintain the animal.

Hancock - Desperately wants to ride it into Goodneighbor as soon as he sees that it is on their side. He is not one for terrorist tactics or anything like that, but it will instead improve his image as the toughest guy around and a worthy mayor, so he definitely asks F!Sole to let him ride it to Goodneighbor. Of course, she agrees, and they both go together to show off a little.

Danse - Hates it and is very distrustful of the beast. He does not want it around because of how dangerous that it has proved itself to be against anyone that it deems an enemy. The only use he has for it is the way that it lifts its feathers when danger is near. He appreciates the heads-up that its heightened senses offer.

Preston - Is completely shocked, and quickly makes a comment on how F!Sole has a serious knack for taming the untamable. He is afraid of it somewhat, but he is pleased with how it so effectively delivers F!Sole to the Castle and effectively defends the area during times of need. He ultimately decides that it is more helpful than harmful. At least for the moment, anyway.

Valentine - Dislikes it and does not trust it. He ends up getting along with it somewhat, but that is mostly because it sticks around and seems to be willing to protect F!Sole with its life. Therefore, he deems it alright in his book. Of course, you still won't catch him taking his eye off of it when its nearby, though.

X6-88 - Does not trust it at first. However, once it has shown that it is an exceedingly effective asset to the team, he finds it quite amazing and grows very fond of it. He likes the way that it tears into its opponents and he also admires how intimidating that it looks.

Dogmeat - Does not like it. It makes him think too much of the big, evil lizard things like the one in Concord that tried to hurt his F!Sole. He eventually just tolerates it, but he has a close eye on the creature and he is ready to fight it at any time if it decides to attack his person.

Strong - Is at first unhappy with the fact that it seems to be stronger than him. But when he sees that he can ride it and it will do what he and F!Sole wants it to do, he is thrilled and the pair of them become a menace in battle. They end up being the new Commonwealth boogeyman and the night terror of raiders everywhere.

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