Someone Hits or Kicks Dogmeat

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Cait - Does not like it at all. She is not particularly fond of Dogmeat, but she definitely hates it when people mistreat anything that is not deserving. In battle, it is something that is just going to happen, but if someone hits him outside of battle, then it is a completely different story. She wastes no time in kicking or hitting them, asking the person how they like being beaten like the poor mutt they just hurt. They usually end up having to beg for mercy to make her stop.

Piper - Always is absolutely livid when she sees someone hurting the dog. If it's in battle, she usually directs her attention to that person and shoots them before they can hurt him any further. However, if someone hurts him and they're not in battle, she will stomp straight up to the person, and tell them that she is going to write a special article talking about how disgusting they are and how they abuse innocent animals that have done nothing to them. Even if the person apologizes, it takes Piper a long time to calm down and fully dissuade herself from actually writing an article.

Curie - Hurts her deeply when the dog is hurt in that manner. It makes no difference whether it is in battle or not, she will gasp and be cut to the core by the incident. If it is outside of battle, she will hurry over to the dog and hug him tightly before tearfully scolding the person that hit him. They usually laugh at her or ignore her, but she just puts her effort into worrying over the poor dog, examining him carefully to ensure he's alright.

MacCready - Finds himself personally affronted even though it's not his own dog. In battle, he turns his scope to the piece of crap that hurt the dog and takes care of him swiftly. Outside of battle, he will head right up to the person and give them a good tongue-lashing. They usually don't take him too seriously since he does not look particularly threatening, but when he withdraws his gun to back his words, they take him much more seriously.

Deacon - Definitely does not approve and probably handles it the best out of the group. In battle, he hurries to help the dog if he can. Outside battle, he calls Dogmeat over before heading back to the person and telling Dogmeat calmly to attack and hold. When Dogmeat complies, the person terrified, Deacon tells them that when they mess with the dog, they get the fangs.

Codsworth - Proceeds to very disdainfully chew people out. It really does not matter if it is in battle or outside of battle. He will be shouting insults over the roar of gunfire and grenades or over the general hubbub of a city or settlement. He cannot believe people would hurt a poor, innocent animal, and he tells them as such. They generally just try to leave the situation, but they end up having to apologize because Codsworth continues to follow them around and berate them for their actions.

Hancock - Is absolutely disgusted with whoever would hurt a dog. In battle, he is angered and even more fueled to kill the enemies. However, if it is outside of battle, he makes sure to head over to the person and let them get a good look at his knife. He may or may not stab them. It depends on whether F!Sole is nearby to tell him otherwise.

Danse - Is enraged the moment that it happens. It does not matter whether he is in battle or not, he is heading toward the person at a fast pace. The only difference is that in battle, he is much more likely to blast their brains out. Outside of battle, he is practically snarling at the person and telling them how ashamed they should be for harming an animal, especially the best dog in the Commonwealth. He almost always leaves them quivering and apologizing as quickly as they can utter the words.

Preston - Is very angry, and in battle, he hurries over to cover the dog and blast the person with his laser musket. If it is outside of battle, he sends them all manners of disgusted glares before checking on the dog. He then tells them that they need to keep away from the poor dog and he leads Dogmeat in the opposite direction.

Valentine - Cannot help but curl his lip in disgust, his coolant running particularly cold as he sizes them up and judges them. During battle, he is quick to aid Dogmeat and take the person down. Outside battle, he will walk up to them and tell them to back off as he reaches over and pats Dogmeat. He then proceeds to insult them in that severely sarcastic, way-above-your-head manner and he walks off with the dog, giving him plenty of pats.

X6-88 - Is not particularly outwardly affected, but he is very irritated despite not quite knowing why. In battle, he is not overly compassionate. Outside of battle, though, X6 immediately strongly advises the person to leave the animal alone unless they want to suffer serious consequences. He will not tolerate this abuse of Dogmeat.

Dogmeat - Does not understand what he has done to receive such punishment. If it is in battle, he is just protecting his human and those nasty people deserve every bite they get and they should understand that. If it is outside of battle, he is terribly upset and sad. What did he do to upset them? He was just nearby them...

Strong - Cares in his strange way. If someone hurts him in battle, he yells to the dog to keep going and be strong. If it is outside of battle, he immediately notices how F!Sole seems very upset, so he starts to head over to crush the person that hurt the dog. F!Sole usually has to quickly intercept him.

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