F!Sole Builds Curie Her Own Lab

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Cait - Does not understand too much about sciency stuff and all that, but she thinks it is pretty good of F!Sole to give the girl a lab since it is something that Curie loves so much. Cait likes Curie okay, and even though she tries to act otherwise, it does warm her a little to see the synth so excited.

Piper - Feels even more admiration toward her Blue, and she is just so happy to see Curie so excited. She even takes the time to write an article about the resident scientist that just got her own lab and how her discoveries could one day help the Commonwealth significantly.

Curie - Is absolutely ecstatic and honestly could cry from the beauty of the laboratory and the amount of work that F!Sole doubtlessly put into the entire thing. She actually does start crying and she hugs F!Sole tightly, thanking her profusely for the absolutely incredible gift that she has given her. She will definitely put it to good use.

MacCready - Thinks it is pretty cool how she can make all sorts of awesome stuff out of pretty much nothing at all. He is pleased that she helped Curie, and he cannot help but smile when he sees how excited the synth is about her new workspace.

Deacon - Now that he has seen her turn an abandoned building into a working laboratory, he knows that she can do anything. He actually even thinks that he might have found just the person to remodel the Railroad HQ, and he makes sure to casually mention it several times in hopes that she will offer to help fix the place up.

Codsworth - Actually helped her with some of the fine tuning of the whole thing and cleaned as well as shined the place up after F!Sole was finished building. He is very proud of her for her efforts, and he is very pleased to be working under such a kind and generous mistress. 

Hancock - Is really happy for Curie and he thinks that she definitely deserved a lab for all of her weird stuff she does. He also feels quite a bit of admiration toward F!Sole for her kindness and love in making the lab for Curie. But most of all, he wonders if he can somehow get Curie to cook up some chems in her new lab...

Danse - Is very pleased with F!Sole's hard work and her diligence in helping her found family, but he is not really sure how he feels about a synth working in scientific endeavors. However, he has developed a small soft spot for Curie since he has found out about his own identity, and he ultimately feels happy for the girl because she is so happy.

Preston - Is extremely proud of his general and he feels that with even the smallest of deeds that she is making a huge difference. Therefore, one can imagine how pleased he is with her work in making a full-blown functioning laboratory of all things. He even takes the time to make an official Minutemen announcement about it.

Valentine - Just feels as warm as can be inside as he watches Curie gush about her new lab and tell F!Sole how much she appreciates it. It makes him really happy to see the girl so pleased and it makes him even more happy that F!Sole takes the time to do such amazing things for people.

X6-88 - Is very pleased that she is working to further science, especially since she blew up the Institute (assuming the player chose that ending). He is not really sure if he likes that Curie as a synth is the one making scientific advancements, but he decides to let his trepidations go since F!Sole seems to care about Curie so much.

Dogmeat - Does not understand but everyone is really excited and that really nice lady that always smells nice and talks so sweetly to him is happy with his person, so he is super pleased, too. He makes sure to push his way in so he can get some pets from his human and his friend.

Strong - Does not really care about labs and all the mumbo-jumbo that Curie is going to get up to, but he knows that tiny human helped Curie and apparently made her really happy. So he thinks that is a good thing and so he ultimately approves of her building the laboratory.

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