16-Year-Old F!Sole that Knows Way Too Much to Have Been a Suburban Teen

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Cait - "So what's the story with you? Were you dumped in the slums as a kid and had to learn how to modify sticks or whatever to defend yerself?"

Piper - "Gosh, was that all propaganda that I read about the typical suburbia in old magazines? I mean, normal suburban teens aren't exactly supposed to know about leatherworking of all things... Are they?"

Curie - "Goodness, how well-versed you are in so many things! And at such a young age! How exactly do you know all of this?"

MacCready - "I didn't know half of the crap that you know when I was your age, and that's saying a lot. I mean, I was raised out here in the wasteland and you somehow learned all this in a Pre-War world. Makes me feel kind of stupid, actually..."

Deacon - "Y'know, with the way that you know a little about everything, I'd almost think you were an undercover spy pretending to be a teenager... Hmmm....."

Codsworth - "Handy as always, eh, young F!Sole? You always have had quite the knack for leatherworking and whatnot, haven't you?"

Hancock - "Good grief... How in the world do you know all this?! Even Fahrenheit didn't know all this crap when she was a teenager, and she had me teaching her!" 

Danse - "Outstanding. You possess much more skills than many people your age. Therefore, that makes you an incredible asset to the Brotherhood's cause."

Preston - "Huh... I knew there was some reason that I thought you'd make a good general at such a young age. I guess age doesn't matter anymore. Just skill-level, huh?"

Valentine - "So did your high school offer an extracurricular called 'in case of a nuclear annihilation?' You must've gotten all A's, huh, kid?"

X6-88 - "My word. You are quite capable to be so young. I suppose we are lucky to have someone so bright on the Institute's side."

Dogmeat - Does not understand, but he knows that she knows how to do a lot of things that most people that look and act like her in the Commonwealth do not know how to do. He is very happy to see her working as long as he is given some pets in-between. 

Strong - "Tiny human know lot about many things. How tiny human know all this stuff?"

Maxson - "Hmm. Off to a magnificent start at such a young age. You remind me of myself at your age."

Sturges - "Wow... Handy, aren't you? You want a few pointers? I could help you out with your technique. Now, the key is to have a steady hand..."

Glory - "I knew there was a reason that Deacon lied so highly about you. You're the real deal, aren't you, kid?"

A/N: So for Hancock's I kind of went on the assumption that Fahrenheit is indeed his daughter. I know there's a lot of discussion and disagreement about this, but I'm under the impression that she's his daughter. Besides, it'd certainly be really cute and sweet (at least in my opinion). 

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