Teen F!Sole Hugs Them, Tearfully Says You're All I Have Left, Then Runs Away

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Cait - Is honestly totally thrown off mostly by the hug, but the words leave her frozen in place for some time afterward, too. However, after she fully processes the whole thing, she runs in the direction that she saw the girl leave and desperately tries to find her.

Piper - Is feeling her heart aching as soon as she hears the words, but before she can hug F!Sole back tightly and respond, the girl is running off into the night. Piper wastes no time in chasing after her, and while Piper is by no means a track star, it does not take her long to catch up, grabbing F!Sole's arm before pulling her into a warm hug and letting her cry it all out.

Curie - Is very deeply touched the very moment she realizes what the girl is saying, but when she runs off, Curie is terribly upset. She rushes after her, but unfortunately the girl can outrun Curie by a mile, so the Frenchwoman loses her and has to search for quite a while to find her again.

MacCready - Is shocked to death, but before he can even awkwardly pat her on the back, she's running off in tears. He debates whether he should go after her or let her chill out, but he finally decides that she probably needs him. As he goes after her, he cannot help but wonder if it's some sort of father instincts kicking in.

Deacon - Is immensely uncomfortable by the sudden affection. However, when it fully processes with him what she said, he gives her time to calm down before going and finding her. He does not really know how to handle what she said, much less how to handle crocodile tears.

Codsworth - Is deeply touched by her words, and as soon as she runs off, he just quickly hovers after, only stopping in his pursuit when she has taken pause. He then proceeds to very kindly assure her that he feels the same way and that he will always be there for her.

Hancock - Is surprised, but the words mean a lot to him. As soon as she turns to start running, he grabs her arm and stops her, his reaction time too quick for her, and he pulls her against him, just hugging her gently as he tells her that she's pretty special to him, too.

Danse - Is frozen when she hugs him and when she tells him those words in such a sweet, sad manner, he has no idea how to react. But when she runs off, after a few moments of just reeling in her wake, he finally kicks himself into gear and chases after her. He is going to do his best to express some amount of the feeling he has in return even if he's not the best at it.

Preston - Is pleasantly surprised by her hug and very gently returns it. When she tells him that she is all she has left, he feels a pit forming in his stomach, sadness overcoming him. When she runs off, he hurries after her, knowing that she definitely needs someone to talk to, and that he has to tell her that she's pretty much all he has left, too.

Valentine - Is surprised by her sudden action, but he receives her well. When she utters those sweet words, he is considerably less surprised, and he mostly just feels bad for her. However, when she takes off running away, he wastes no time in following her and tracking her down.

X6-88 - Is exceedingly weirded out and definitely does not like the sudden contact. He is even more disoriented and flabbergasted by her words, and when she runs off, he very hesitantly follows her, but makes sure to keep his distance when he actually finds her. He does not want to have to handle the tears when he himself is having such an emotional dilemma.

Dogmeat - Is thrilled that she is hugging him, but he hears the sadness in her voice and smells it on her. He whimpers a little, licking her ear, before she suddenly pulls away and runs off. He quickly chases after her, the only thing on his mind being to help the girl feel better.

Strong - Is confused and does not really want her doing whatever that just was to him. And he does not fully get what she means by the words. Tiny humans are just confusing and when she runs off, he figures that she will probably come back by morning. If she isn't back in the morning, he'll look for her then.

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