F!Sole Having Self-Inflicted Chest Stab Wound and Keeping It Secret

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Warnings: Lots of discussion of self-harm. 

Cait - Feels as if she has been slapped when she learns the truth behind the wound. She feels as if she might throw up as she just gapes at it. Finally she asks her why she kept it a secret. F!Sole explains that she was afraid, and Cait just shakes her head. She grabs F!Sole's shoulders in her hands tightly, just staring into her eyes. After a painfully long moment, she tells her that she has felt the same way in life. She pulls up her shirt and shows a place on her stomach. Cait explains that she had been young and stupid and the guilt of her parents' murder was particularly fresh. She explains that she almost died and would have actually if Tommy would not have patched her up and insisted that she keep going. Cait explains that death is not worth it and the pain from the wound will never take away or even truly overshadow the emotional pain of F!Sole losing her family. After giving F!Sole a long and careful hug, she practically drags her to the nearest doctor.

Piper - Piper just walks toward her slowly as if she was approaching an injured animal, and she gently takes her Blue's hand away from the wound. Piper just gazes at it, feeling her own chest hurt, but for an entirely different reason. Piper, tears glinting in her pretty greens, looks up into F!Sole's eyes, her heart broken for her best friend. She shakes her head, telling F!Sole that F!Sole has been through enough pain as it is. She does not need to add to it. Also, she tells her that if they don't treat it, then she might die, and that would hurt Piper more than anything. F!Sole ends up breaking down into tears, and Piper just holds her for a while, almost crying herself. Eventually Piper leads her to the nearest doctor, her hand in hers the entire time as Piper tries to give her strength from sheer force of will. 

Curie - Gasps and places her hands over her mouth as her eyes well up with tears. She carefully reaches out to F!Sole, hugging her as gently as she can. Curie barely manages to tell her how dangerous this sort of thing is before breaking down into tears. In the midst of sobs, she tells F!Sole that she has to let her treat it and that F!Sole needs to try to move on. Curie asks her to try to talk to her from then on, and F!Sole is shaking a little as Curie barely pulls away, wiping at her eyes with her hands as she tries to more closely inspect the wound. In the midst of a constant flow of tears, she explains that she owes everything to F!Sole, and she should focus on the positive in life. She ends up gently hugging F!Sole and just standing there for a long time with her until she softly asks her to come with her so she can help her with the wound.

MacCready - Is borderline panicking when he sees it and finds out. He does not even know what to say besides why. She explains, and he is still just totally baffled. He finally tells her that to do that is not a good decision and she could die from the wound if she waits much longer to treat it. He explains that she has a son to keep going for. He tells her that the kid adores her. He has seen firsthand how boys love their mothers and he says that all he can see in the kid is pure adoration. After a long moment, he finally awkwardly offers her a hug, and she quickly takes him up on it. They stay in that position for a while before he finally asks her if she wants to go get medical attention for her wound. When she agrees, he thinks he might just melt from relief.

Deacon - Is remarkably quiet and lost as to what to say. He stares for a good, long while, searching for something productive to say about the entire thing as his silver tongue fails him considerably. He stammers for a little while before finally telling her that she is so lucky. She has a son to call her own and so many people all around that care about her. He says that even though her kid now is a synth, the boy loves her like any real child would. He tells her that he understands how it feels to lose a lover, and says that everybody handles it differently. He then explains that she needs to try to find a more positive outlet or a distraction for it that does not come in the form of self-harm. She hugs him after a moment, and he carefully and very uncomfortably hugs her back before quickly suggesting that they go visit Doctor Carrington.

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