F!Sole Telling Childhood Story About Going to Baseball Game

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For reference, the request I got said that F!Sole's father suddenly starts screaming about 80,000 people. When her mother asks what's wrong, he screams, "80,000 people and that bird had to crap on me!!!"

Cait - Is laughing quite a bit, and she explains that she has felt that way before. Except her feeling was generalized and metaphorical because it was about the world instead of a bird.

Piper - Is laughing like crazy, the mental image cracking her up. She actually even snorts her Nuka-Cola out of her nose when F!Sole points out the specific place in Diamond City that this incident occurred.

Curie - Is giggling like a madwoman, and her face is rosy from all of the laughter. F!Sole tells the story in such a way that it just makes her laugh harder than she has in all of her time as a synth.

MacCready - Says that he's had birds crap on him before, and he's actually said something like that himself. He was at Goodneighbor when it happened and he wondered how in the world the bird decided to crap on him when there was a town full of people.

Deacon - Is grinning widely as he pictures the story. He tells her that her story is almost too funny to be true, and he playfully questions if she is pulling one of his famous tricks.

Codsworth - Laughs heartily for a long moment. He is sure to tell her that she tells stories in such a humorous manner and he always loves listening to her narratives.

Hancock - Is cackling for quite a while as he imagines her father and the look on his face. He actually recounts a funny story about his own father, remembering how the man had slipped in Brahmin dung and fussed about it relentlessly all day long.

Danse - Actually laughs a little, and he asks about what happened afterward. When she says that multiple people all around them starting laughing at his expense and began staring at them, Danse shakes his head, laughing but also feeling a little embarrassed on behalf of F!Sole.

Preston - Is chuckling quite a bit, and he sympathizes entirely, speculating about how embarrassing that must have been in front of all those people. She assures him that she was pretty young so she was mostly laughing at her dad for saying that and laughing at her mother as she tried to make him sit down and shut up.

Valentine - Says that the original Nick Valentine actually went to that baseball game and he heard her father shout those words. The old Nick was in his mid to late teens when he attended, and Nick can remember how the old Nick was laughing and all of the enjoyment he had gotten out of it even if he could not figure out which person had yelled the words.

X6-88 - Simply raises an eyebrow at the story. He then questions why F!Sole's father didn't just shoot the bird afterward. It would have solved the problem rather efficiently.

Strong - Says that he should've just killed the bird by throwing a big rock like a super-mutant would. Strong says he's killed birds that way before and it's really fun.

Maxson - Expresses a great interest in the story and asks her if she has any more stories about her childhood. He is legitimately interested in how Pre-War life was.

Sturges - Laughs quite a bit, and he tells her that her father had a valid question. Why did the bird decide to crap on him out of everyone that was there?

Glory - Laughs heartily in reply, greatly enjoying the mental image that springs into her mind. She ends up asking about F!Sole's family and gets an earful about how wonderful they both were. Glory does not really mind, and somewhere deep inside her, she wishes she had a family to remember, too.

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