F!Sole Has Giant Black Wolf that is Super Strong

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Cait - "Good grief, this thing is a beast! I bet he'll do some real damage out on the battle field... Yes... He and I are going to get along just fine."

Piper - "Umm.... Wow! So when were you gonna tell me about this big guy? I mean, there is so much unused potential here! I could rearrange the furniture in my house! All we gotta do is tie a rope around him, and then let him drag my crap wherever I want it! Instant remodel, Blue!"

Curie - "My goodness! He is taller than me! Most wolves do not grow as big as this! I wonder if radiation has altered his genetic makeup and has impacted his size and his enormous strength... Hmm... May I perform studies?"

MacCready - "Woah-ho-ho!!! Umm... Just to be clear... He doesn't bite, does he?"

Deacon - "Boss, may I ask... Where do you keep coming up with these insane creatures?"

Codsworth - "Golly, what a big boy, Mum! We're likely going to have to start hunting a little more often to feed the likes of him..."

Hancock - "Holy--- Okay, where do you keep finding these things? I seriously need one of these!"

Danse - "What an unnatural creature! However, given his strength, I'll bet that he could be an extremely valuable asset to our team."

Preston - "Y'know, General, one would think that one day I'd quit being surprised by the things you drag up. But somehow, you continue to impress."

Valentine - "You must have a serious knack for dragging up the oddest animals in the world. He's a beauty, but he's definitely not normal by any stretch of the word."

X6-88 - "Impressive. He will be a very effective enforcer to assist in our missions. I imagine no one would want to challenge us with him on our side."

Dogmeat - Absolutely loves him. He tries to get him to play a lot, and usually the wolf will indulge him. They play together quite a bit, and Dogmeat enjoys the company. However, he does not really like how F!Sole is asking the creature to help her so often.

Strong - "He bigger than hound!!! He'll be good fighter and very strong! Strong likes this wolf."

Maxson - "This creature is an... unorthodox pet. However, if you can put him to good use with helping Proctor Ingram with some of her heavier projects, I will allow him on Brotherhood grounds."

Sturges - "Huh... I have a few things that I need moved. You think you and this big ol' boy could help with that?"

Glory - "Well, aren't you a cute little death-bringer? Do you think you could possibly find a girl wolf and have some puppies that I could adopt...? What?! You know I'd take every one of them!"

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