When Companions Get Drunk

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Cait - Is either ready to fight or moping. When F!Sole firsts finds her, she has to keep the woman from punching her in the process of dragging her away from the fight that Cait's already working on starting. When Cait realizes it's F!Sole pulling her away, she chills out considerably and just sort of leans on her before sadly starting to express every single woe she has. F!Sole just strokes her head and gets her to the nearest bed in an attempt to convince her to sleep it off. It is not too hard to get her into bed, but she is adamantly against lying down and falling asleep. She slurs on and on in great detail about what horrid things were done to her during her time in slavery. F!Sole feels terribly sorry for the poor girl and comforts her until she finally quietly cries herself to sleep with F!Sole gently stroking her hair.

Piper - Although it is an extremely rare day when Piper gets drunk, when she does, she is somewhere between giggling her head off, starting a fight she definitely can't finish, and being sad. When F!Sole finds her, Piper is telling a story. When someone tells her she's embellishing for a good story, she looks like she might cry for a total of two seconds and then she hops out of her seat, yelling that she's right and challenging anyone who thinks otherwise to come and settle this like big boys and girls should. F!Sole quickly interferes and apologizes to the people before taking Piper by the hand, and Piper pulls her hand away to instead throw an arm around her happily, declaring very loudly that this is her Blue and her best friend in the whole world. F!Sole just chuckles nervously and guides her away to any bed or bed-like structure that's away from prying eyes. When she gets her to a bed, Piper won't let go of her, so she has to lay down next to the goofy reporter and let her giggle and play with F!Sole's fingers and prattle on about whatever topic until she finally goes to sleep.

Curie - If somehow someone slips something less than pure into her drink, then one can expect her to giggle and giggle and giggle some more. When F!Sole finds her, she is somewhere between killing the moron that inebriated poor Curie and laughing at the poor girl. However, when she realizes several men are making passes at her, F!Sole charges in like an attack dog, all teeth bared and no niceties within her as she defends the girl. While F!Sole has her back turned to her and her eyes centered on the men, Curie jumps onto F!Sole's back, wrapping her arms around her neck and laughing while demanding that F!Sole carry her along. F!Sole just sighs before hoisting the girl more securely onto her and transporting her to a bed. She drops Curie down on the bed and the poor drunk thing giggles her head off as she lies there on the bed. F!Sole reaches around and tucks her in, telling her that she needs to go to sleep as she tries to appeal to Curie's medical sense. Fortunately, she is not so far gone that she cannot see reason, so she closes her eyes, giggles a little more, and finally goes to sleep. F!Sole doesn't leave until she's sure that Curie is asleep.

MacCready - A miserable drunk but also very belligerent and childish if he does not want to do something. Which makes it very difficult to work with him when F!Sole finds him. She tells him that he needs to come with her and go to sleep. He immediately protests with a loud whine and he clings onto his glass. Therefore, she treats him like a child who's throwing a fit-- he pretty much is acting like one-- and she pries the glass out of his hand before dragging him to a bed, him loudly protesting the entire time and making the biggest scene ever. When she finally gets him to a room, she tells him to stay in bed and go to sleep. He crosses his arms and just looks terribly grumpy for a while, incoherently telling her everything he thinks about her in some cross between his usual filtered speech and an unleashed vocabulary of colorful expletives. He finally goes to sleep after a long time of grumbling.

Deacon - Is the life of the party. He's dancing, taking shots, and trying to out-drink anyone around him. F!Sole has to literally sneak up on him when she finds him, and when she does, she grabs him around the middle, refuses to let go, and starts dragging him away. He fights her like a nutcase, but when he figures out she is not an enemy, he calms down just a little. Or he stops trying to kick her in the shins and jab her eyeballs with his fingers. When she gets him to go in the room, she locks the door quickly and stuffs the key away in her pocket. She has to keep a close eye on him, though, to make sure that he doesn't sneak out. She finally shoves him and tells him that he has to go to bed. Somehow or another, he manages to stay up until the morning. F!Sole has no idea how he does it.

Codsworth - Cannot get drunk. But he will gladly help his mistress wrestle any runaway alcoholics and keep watch over them throughout the night.

Hancock - Is happy, very loud, and extremely flirtatious. He is offering everyone unsolicited advice and cheerily buying drinks. When F!Sole is in the nearby area, he spots her and hurries over to her, offering her a drink and flirting her with a little. F!Sole knows that when he's like this, she has to trick him. He will never willingly go to bed. Therefore, she takes advantage of his flirting and persuades him to follow her to a bedroom. He easily follows along. She asks him to go in first and he complies perfectly. As soon as he's inside, she locks him in. He quickly starts to protest and she just tells him to go to bed. When she lets him out in the morning, he is grumpily fussing about her tricking him.

Danse - Is a very depressed and sad drunk. But he is slightly less stiff and just the slightest bit more flirty if he is not in one of those sad moods. When F!Sole first finds him, he looks like he has lost his best friend as he just looks at his glass. F!Sole wastes no time in placing a hand on his shoulder and telling him that he needs to come with her and go to bed. When he sees her, his demeanor changes a little and he brightens. She tries to guide him away and help him up and away to a bed. When she gets him in there, she has to push him and somewhat forcibly make him lie on the bed. He sort of just stares at her and makes some really strange, almost incomprehensible joke about this scenario not being appropriate, but she just rolls her eyes at him and tells him to go to sleep. Fortunately, he easily obeys, and she just stays in the room, sitting next to him on the bed and running her hands through his hair until he goes to sleep.

Preston - Somewhere between being a goofy drunk and a sad one. When F!Sole finds him, he is near tears over who knows what. She goes over to him and asks if he is okay. When he explains the problem, she tries to make him feel better about whatever it is before softly encouraging him to come with her so she can get him to bed. He gets up and comes with her. But if there is a radio nearby, he stops her and asks her to dance with him. He continues to fight her about going to bed until she finally agrees to just one dance. They dance for a little while, and when he is almost incoherent, she decides that it is best to get him to bed at that point. She has to almost carry him to bed as he leans all over her and barely holds himself up. She gently eases him down onto the bed and he is asleep immediately.

Valentine - Can't drink alcohol and would not even if he could. He usually helps F!Sole if she needs it with some of the more difficult drunks, offering another contributing voice of reason.

X6-88 - Is a lot like his usual self on the outside but he is much clumsier. However, when someone actually speaks to him, he is considerably goofier and less coordinated. When F!Sole finds him, she is somewhat afraid. She has never seen him act like a normal person, and she honestly is not sure if she thinks his usual self is better or not. But out of kindness and respect for him, she tells him that he needs to go to bed and sleep the drink off. He stands up quickly and insists that he is fine. She starts to pull him away anyway, and he pulls away from her, heading back toward the bar. F!Sole has to practically drag him toward a bed and she has to lock the door and keep the key in a pocket in order to make sure that he does not escape. She then proceeds to insist that he goes to sleep. Finally, after much argument and stumbling around, he dramatically falls on the bed and goes to sleep.

Dogmeat - No one gives Dogmeat alcohol. F!Sole catches it before some moron gives him any. Plus, he does not drink it anyway. It smells bad and he avoids it.

Strong - If someone possesses or can afford the amount of alcohol that it would take to intoxicate him, they would end up with a very, very angry super mutant. If they succeed in getting him drunk, F!Sole usually gets his attention and convinces him to chase her. She then runs inside one of her deathclaw traps, somehow managing to slip around him as he's grabbing for her and slamming the door closed. She keeps him inside until the next morning and then she apologizes for locking him up by cooking his favorite meal and offering it to him.

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