F!Sole Finding Her Old Wedding Dress and Still Fitting In It

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Cait - "Huh. Your husband was a real lucky bloke, eh? I hope he appreciated you properly when you headed down the aisle."

Curie - "Oh, Madame, you look so beautiful! It is so incredible that this valuable item has been preserved for so long! We must thank Monsieur Codsworth for all of his hard work!" 

Piper - "Wow, Blue... You look gorgeous. You must've been absolutely breathtaking when you walked down the aisle way back when."

MacCready - "Woah! I can't believe it still fits! Not that you've gained weight or something or grown to big for it or anything! I mean like you've surely gotten muscles between now and when you last wore it, and... I'm just gonna stop..."

Deacon - "Would you be willing to wear this again? I've got an undercover op that you in that dress would be perfect for..."

Codsworth - "Mum, you look just like you did in you and the hubby's wedding pictures. I did my best to keep up the dress, and it is so good to see you in it once again. Why, if I were able, I do believe a tear would be in my eye..."

Hancock - "Well, don't you look absolutely stunning. Wow... I wish Wasteland people made dresses this pretty."

Danse - "I'm glad that it still fits. You look nice in that attire. It must be a great memento of your husband and your past."

Preston - "Goodness, General. You definitely clean up really well. That looks great on you."

Valentine - "Wow... You're a real beauty, kid... Reminds me of that dress that Jennifer Lands wore when she and the old Nick headed to the dress shop. The only reason I remember it what it looked like on her is because ol' Nick sneaked a peek when he shouldn't have."

X6-88 - "Ma'am, you look quite pleasant in that. However, it is not very functional. I would recommend removing it before going on a mission."

Strong - "Tiny human wear fancy clothes. Tiny human should wear armor instead! Armor keep tiny human safe. Fancy clothes just get in the way!"

Maxson - "You looks quite nice, Knight/Paladin/Sentinel. I can offer you a place to put that in safe keeping if you want. I know it must hold significant importance for you." 

Glory - "Nice dress, girl. Wait... Don't tell me you're about to run off to New Vegas and elope or something."

Sturges - "Wow... You're surely somethin'... You want me to build you a shelf or a display case for this? That might work pretty nicely to keep the dust off of it so it still looks all pretty and white."

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