If They Turned into Super-Mutants and Still Had Their Human Memories

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Warning: Heavy mentions of suicide ahead.

Cait - Has been disgusted with herself for a long time, and actually was on the road to some semblance of at least self-respect. However, now that she is in this form, she is in a worse place mentally than she was before. She feels like puking as soon as she sees her own reflection, and she is ashamed of herself and how she looks. She is actually even tempted to return to her previous chem habits. But F!Sole encourages her to stick with her, and she tells her that she has come so far and that she cannot give up on herself just because she is in a different body. After a long time, she tries to come to terms with it and at least enjoy the few benefits the form offers. She gets to live longer, and she has an extreme boost in strength. She tries hard to avoid the negative aspects even though she sees them every time that she raises her hands up within her line of sight. She will never love herself, but she will come to accept her form eventually.

Piper - Is horribly upset. One of her worst nightmares was being caught by super-mutants, but to actually turn into one herself? It is one of the most horrid atrocities that she can think of. She is terribly upset, and she knows that she will not be allowed to live in Diamond City anymore. She knows Nat needs an education, and she has to be in Diamond City. But the girl cannot live alone there. And what if Nat does not even recognize her or worse--- what if she is scared of her? And what is going to happen to the paper? Everything in Piper's world is crashing down. However, with the help of her Blue, she gets her life back together. Publick Occurrences and Piper's home is moved to Sanctuary where Piper will always be safe from those who would want to hurt her, and F!Sole pulls together homeschooling supplies for Nat to learn from. Very slowly, Piper starts to adjust to the new normal. But none of it is ever the same as it was before.

Curie - Would be quite interested in her new body once she got over the pure shock of it all. Then she would slowly realize that she is stuck like this permanently. And as if that was not upsetting enough for her, she realizes that people now treat her as if she is vermin and just a dangerous monster. It hurts her deeply when everyone looks at her with unbridled disgust, and it only deepens the wound when some people try to kill her simply for what she looks like. She is thankful for F!Sole because she is always coming to her defense and ensuring that no one actually succeeds in hurting her physically, but she still hurts on the inside. She soon throws herself wholeheartedly into attempting to create a cure to remedy her condition.

MacCready - Is completely wrecked by the fact that he has turned into a horrid monster. His first worry is what if Duncan does not recognize him and wants nothing to do with him. He does not want his only son and the most important person in his whole life to hate him or be terrified of him because he looks like a walking nightmare. He is even more upset when he realizes that he cannot hardly take control of his sniper rifle anymore. It takes a really long time for him to relearn how to use the scope and it takes many gun mods to even let him actually see through the scope properly. He is deeply saddened by his new form, but with F!Sole by his side constantly reassuring him, he gets through it. He just hopes that Duncan will give him a chance.

Deacon - Hates the fact that he cannot effectively perform his duties as a Railroad agent. No human will even consider letting him get near them to overhear a conversation, much less let him talk to them about anything. While it allows him to blend in with every other super-mutant, it does not give him the benefit he needs among humans anymore. His Railroad work is soon restrained to doing remote operations from headquarters. It has even screwed up his entire dynamic with almost everyone there. They do not exactly know how to even talk to him anymore because he looks so opposite of what he used to be. However, when Glory so openly talks to him and does not seem bothered in the least by his appearance, everyone else starts to come around and treat him like he is Deacon again.

Hancock - Is used to looking all wrinkly and gnarled, but he is honestly really not sure how he feels about this. If he can still take chems, he feels a little better about the whole thing. However, he does not like how he is now one of the even less accepted creatures of the Commonwealth. It is going to be really hard to get the people of Goodneighbor to see him as their leader now because he has the appearance of a mindless super-mutant. However, he asks F!Sole to make him a larger version of the John Hancock outfit, he dons his outfit from before, and he addresses the people of Goodneighbor, speaking as he always has. It is a difficult transition, but they soon come to accept him as their mayor just in a different form.

Danse - Is positively disgusted with himself and is tempted to commit suicide, knowing how horrid and inhuman the super-mutants of the Commonwealth are and not wanting to even slightly resemble them. However, if F!Sole pleads with him enough, he decides he'll keep going. But now he feels even more self-hatred than he did before. As time passes, he slowly comes to the realization that Cutler could have been just like this in this exact same predicament. He could have retained his mind but just looked like a super-mutant. It makes Danse even more upset to consider that he could have killed his best friend when he was perfectly aware of his memories, all that was going on, and who Danse was.

Preston - Is riddled with deep depression and self-loathing. He does not want to keep going on, but F!Sole finally convinces him to give this new life a chance. He is horribly upset and he does not know how to handle being such a disgusting, hated creature. After some time, he tries to pull himself together enough to return to his Minutemen duties, and by F!Sole's side and because she vouches for him, he earns some of the respect that he once had as her second-in-command. Slowly, after quite some time of working to help the Commonwealth and using his newfound strength to aid him, the Minutemen see him as Preston Garvey once again instead of the horrid green atrocity that he at first appears to be.

X6-88 - Is completely thrown and has no idea what to do. He is disgusted with his new form and has prided himself for quite a long time on his precision, his stealth, and his deadliness. He now has lost two of those primary qualities that he felt identified him most. He is still deadly, but not in the finessed manner that a courser is and he now has to utilize brute strength as a primary offense. He tries to look at the better side of the whole thing and focus on the fact that he can now crush people's skulls with his hands, but he cannot stop thinking of how he misses his previous form. He handles it better than most people would, but he still suffers from the transition.

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