Dainty F!Sole Dropping Item Under Car and Then Just Lifts Car to Get it

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Cait - "Wait, wait, wait! You aren't going to just pick up an entire junk car and act like you've been doing it yer whole life without givin' me some sort of explanation!!!"

Piper - "Wow, Blue... I guess dynamite does come in small packages, doesn't it?"

Curie - "My goodness, Madame! Are you sure you were not affected by radioactive substances? That sort of strength is not characteristic of unmutated genes!"

MacCready - "OH, MY--- HOW DID YOU--- WHAT THE---"

Deacon - "Ho-kay.... That was certainly unexpected.... On a related note, did they write that song 'Atom Bomb Baby' about you? Y'know... The whole line about 'atom bomb baby, loaded with power?'"

Codsworth - "You must've eaten your share of sugar bombs this morning, eh, Mum? A good breakfast can really get you ready to take on anything in the day! Ha, ha!"

Hancock - "Good grief! You been slipping buffout or something in your meals?! Maybe I need to try a little more of it myself..."

Danse - "Umm.... I assume that this is a recent development? Or have you been harboring supernatural abilities this entire time and selected not to share this information?"

Preston - "Wow!!!! I guess you're just full of surprises, General...."

Valentine - "Huh... It's always the small ones that surprise you..."

X6-88 - "How did you do that? You are much too small to have even lifted the vehicle an inch from the ground. I cannot even fathom how you lifted it several feet up..."

Dogmeat - Honestly is not surprised. After all, his human is super, and maybe now he can show her that toy that he had gotten stuck underneath a vehicle at the Red Rocket near Sanctuary and she could help him get it back.

Strong - "........ Tiny human strong as super-mutant....... HOWWW?!!!!!!"

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