F!Sole's Dad Jokes

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Cait - "Pfft..." Just eyes F!Sole as if she has lost her mind and huffs lightly. It's truly not too funny to her, but she always rolls her eyes in reply if F!Sole keeps trying to get a response from her terrible joke.

Piper - "I'll give it to you, Blue, that was good. I'll have to remember that one for Nat." Piper genuinely enjoys F!Sole's silly, somewhat corny sense of humor, and she can't help but laugh at F!Sole whenever she tells the jokes. She always takes note of them when F!Sole graces her with them.

Curie - "Oh! That is quite humorous, because---" and then proceeds to explain the entire joke. By the end of her lengthy description, the joke is not funny even to F!Sole anymore, and F!Sole finally tiredly suggests that they head out as she brings up an entirely different subject.

MacCready - "Jeez, that was absolutely terrible!" MacCready always laughs a little, finding it somewhat funny when F!Sole pulls one of her infamous dad jokes. However, he never does find it as hilarious as she does.

Deacon - "Man... That's almost as bad as Glory's gun puns." However, he does make a mental note to pull the joke on the Railroad members when he heads back to headquarters.

Codsworth - "Ha, ha! That's a real knee-slapper, Mum!" Codsworth always listens to her jokes and finds them rather amusing. Of course, he doesn't usually laugh too much, but he does express great enthusiasm in reply.

Hancock - "Good grief... Hand over the day-tripper, sister, I'm going to need something to dull my senses..." Hancock finds F!Sole's jokes to be somewhat goofy, but usually just face-palms and chuckles a little.

Danse - "Seriously?" Danse just raises an eyebrow and asks F!Sole if they can just move on. However, F!Sole occasionally cracks such a terribly corny and random dad joke that he can't help but laugh at her. Which she considers to be a serious victory on her part.

Preston - "Heh, heh. That's funny." Preston just sort of politely laughs. He doesn't really find them funny, but since his general does, he tries to at least conjure the slightest of chuckles.

Valentine - "Look, kid, you don't wanna start a war with me, now do you?" Nick tries really hard to ignore her jokes for a long time, but when she finally pushes him to his limit, he'll initiate a battle of the dad jokes with her. They always end in a tie, though, because both Nick and F!Sole are equally corny.

X6-88 - "Ma'am, I do not understand your peculiar sense of humor, but please do keep the jokes to a minimum. We are trying to work." He is not impressed in the least with F!Sole's jokes and actually would prefer her to remain perfectly serious. After all, he does.

Dogmeat - Doesn't understand, but F!Sole thinks that something she said is terribly funny, so he pants excitedly and wags all over. He's just happy because she's happy.


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