Someone Else Taking Up F!Sole's Attention

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Cait - Becomes purely aggravated if she feels that she is being ignored or that F!Sole is too comfortable with the other person. She is secretly somewhat terrified of losing her only friend to someone else, so it naturally irritates her when another person that is not part of F!Sole's group is taking up all of F!Sole's time. She usually wastes no time in pushing her way into the conversation and telling F!Sole they need to go and do something, and she will sometimes even drag F!Sole away as she talks about whatever it is they have to do.

Piper - Gets a little annoyed after a little while if she is not included in the conversation. However, she swiftly remedies that by slyly shoving her way into the conversation and making tons of inside jokes that only her and F!Sole will understand and enjoy. It's her subtle way of making the other person feel severely left out. She might even throw in a bit of extra physical contact with her best friend like a shoulder bump, leaning against F!Sole, or throwing an arm around the vault-dweller.

Curie - Gets jealous and doesn't exactly know how to handle it if the conversation persists for a considerable amount of time. She ends up being a little clingy and touching F!Sole a lot as she lingers nearby her. She usually grabs F!Sole's hand and messes with it, inspecting it and not so patiently waiting for F!Sole to finish talking.

MacCready - Doesn't like it but can't exactly explain why. He kind of ends up butting his way into the conversation, similarly to Piper, and after a bit of talking, soon enough explains to F!Sole that they need to leave and do something.

Deacon - Is never jealous, upset, or inconvenienced because he always is throwing in his two-cents worth as soon as a conversation starts. He's perfectly unbothered and ends up bothering the person that has F!Sole's attention.

Codsworth - Is very happy for F!Sole and is pleased to see her making friends. The only interruptions that he offers during the conversation is to ask whether he can get them a refreshment of some sort while they're chatting things up.

Hancock - Becomes extremely obnoxious if ignored during the conversation. He will usually interrupt loudly by introducing himself and sometimes accompany that movement by propping an arm on F!Sole's shoulder or head. The conversation can hardly keep going with his behavior, which is exactly how he likes it.

Danse - Gets a little aggravated if it keeps droning on. He gets sort of antsy about staying in one place for so long and wants to go do something productive. He will oftentimes clear his throat and remind F!Sole of whatever tasks they need to attend to.

Preston - Doesn't get jealous or anything less than perfectly fine if the conversation lasts for a reasonable amount of time instead of an eternity. After a little while, he gets a little uncomfortable but is too polite to interrupt and express these feelings.

Valentine - Usually is happy to sit and listen, offering comments of his own whenever he sees the opportunity. If he finds himself bored, he usually occupies himself by chatting up any locals nearby that could be willing to talk to a synth.

X6-88 - Is extremely irritated by the distraction. He and F!Sole could be accomplishing all manners of tasks in the time that she is spending on some person that is completely inconsequential.

Dogmeat - It depends. If it's another human, it doesn't bother him as long as he gets a few pets throughout the conversation. However, if it's a dog that is taking F!Sole's focus, he will get very pushy and practically shove his way between the other dog and F!Sole so that she will be paying attention to only him.

Strong - Similarly to X6-88, he has no tolerance whatsoever for F!Sole having conversations with other people. After all, it's stopping him in his progress toward finding the milk of human kindness!

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