Dogmeat Showing Signs that He Has Been Abused by Someone

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Cait - Feels her blood boiling and is ready to legitimately and truly harm whoever abused the dog. She hates for people to hurt any innocent creature, but for someone to hurt an animal that F!Sole is so fond of? It is completely and utterly unacceptable. She is going to find them and make them regret it.

Piper - Is some mix of being livid, very sad, and filled with pity. She makes sure to give Dogmeat lots of love as soon as she finds out, but afterwards, she immediately heads out to go and sniff out who did it. When she inevitably finds out (Piper always gets to the bottom of things), she makes sure to make an article about them and to specifically list their name, giving a physical description and ensuring that their public reputation is sullied terribly amongst dog-lovers everywhere.

Curie - Just hugs and cuddles Dogmeat constantly. She is honestly unable to believe that anyone would want to hurt the dog, and she just feels so sad for the creature. She does not want him to be afraid, and she will do absolutely anything she can to make him feel better about things.

MacCready - Is completely in disbelief and enraged. He cannot believe anyone would abuse Dogmeat, and he is very much ready to offer plenty of abuse in return to whoever messed with the dog. If he ever figures out who it is, they can count on getting a bullet to the back of the head before they can even blink.

Deacon - Actually almost loses his cool about it. And he never loses his cool. He quickly uses his spy skills by going undercover and calmly asking folks about the entire thing. He baits them by discussing that annoying dog and seeing if he can make people admit to kicking him or hurting him somehow. When he figures out who it is, he has to use every bit of self-control he has to simply go find F!Sole and tell her so she can handle it how she sees fit.

Codsworth - Is extremely upset about the entire ordeal. He cares about Dogmeat deeply and considers him to be a family member. He makes sure to give the dog plenty of praise to encourage him whenever he is brave like he used to be, trying to slowly rework him into the habit of being confident again.

Hancock - Is extremely angry. He is ready to gut whoever laid a hand on the animal, and he furiously interrogates everyone in an attempt to figure out who did it. He scares everyone so much that he cannot hardly get any answers out of them. Which only serves to make him even angrier.

Danse - Is positively quivering due to the pure anger rising up in him hotly. He stomps around, only walking more softly when he is around the poor dog himself, and he keeps a very close eye on the dog to try to figure out from his behavior who did this to him. And when Danse finds them... It will not be pretty at all.

Preston - Is angry, but his pity for Dogmeat overwhelms everything else. He pets the dog a lot and tries to renew the creatures confidence. He even goes so far as to act goofy and bark at crows himself. Of course, that earns some strange looks from people around the place, but he does not care. As long as it helps Dogmeat, he'll do anything.

Valentine - Finds himself hurting for the dog and he is very angry and disgusted at whoever would do such a thing. He gives Dogmeat lots of pets, and tries to make him feel better about things first and foremost. But when Dogmeat is doing better, Nick gets to the bottom of who hurt the dog. When he figures it out, he just tells F!Sole before helping her confront the person about it.

X6-88 - When he notices it, he remains completely calm. He just heads out, listening to nearby conversations and soon figuring out who abused the dog. As soon as he finds out, he swiftly handles them, burning a laser between their eyes before leaving them where they fell.

Strong - Does not fully understand but when F!Sole explains that someone hurt the dog, he is very angry and he starts to go on a rampage, screaming at everyone he meets and demanding to know whether they hurt the dog or not. If anyone is stupid enough to say they did, he proceeds to start slamming into them with his hammer, not stopping until they are a pile of gore on the ground.

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