Nick Discovers Original Nick Valentine as Feral Ghoul

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Cait - Thinks it's just a bad situation all around. She thinks synth Nick is pretty decent and it's terrible that he has to find the very person he inherited his personality and memories from like this. She offers to take care of ghoul Nick for synth Nick, but she doesn't do anything unless he wants her to.

Piper - Feels really bad for synth Nick. She knows how much this affects him and how it has to be terribly upsetting. She offers any support she can, and just tries to be there for him if he needs her.

Curie - Is very fascinated. She actually would love to run some tests to see if the feral ghoul Nick had any similarities in behavior to the synth Nick. She wonders how much physical gestures could carry over even after finding oneself in such a crazed state. But she does know that it must be terribly upsetting for synth Nick, and she offers her condolences and a sympathetic ear.

MacCready - Thinks that the whole thing is really odd and honestly sort of mind-blowing. He would have never guessed that the original Nick was anywhere near the current world except in the memories that the synth Nick has.

Deacon - Already knew about it, but he always had kept it to himself, hoping that synth Nick would never figure out about it. He did not want to hurt him, so he figured that some things were best left alone. But now that synth Nick has figured it out, Deacon keeps the fact that he knew it already to himself.

Codsworth - Is quite shocked. He honestly cannot believe such a strange occurrence has taken place, and he offers a sympathetic ear to synth Nick in case he needs to talk.

Hancock - Knows that it must be terribly hard for synth Nick to find out that such an intricate part of who he is was turned into a feral ghoul. It is an awful situation, and Hancock honestly does not know how he himself would have handled it if he were in that position.

Danse - Feels somewhat sorry for synth Nick. However, he believes that the feral original Nick should definitely be eliminated. He knows that the Commonwealth is filled with feral ghouls, and the less of them, the better.

Preston - Is very surprised, and he just tries to listen and be there for Nick. He hates that he had to even find the feral ghoul Nick in the first place, and he wishes that it would never have happened to the poor guy.

Valentine - Is honestly a little devastated. He cannot believe that he has found the man that he has so many memories from. F!Sole offers to try to capture and tame the thing at least to the point that it doesn't try to attack, but Nick declines. He says that they should give the poor man some peace and put him out of his misery. It hurts Nick to do so, but he handles the job. From all the things that he knows about the original Nick Valentine, he knows that he would not want to keep going as one of these braindead zombies.

X6-88 - Does not feel one way or the other about it. But if he had his way, feral Nick and synth Nick would both not be involved in this world. After all, synth Nick was meant to be deactivated and trashed after the Institute had finished their experimentation. And ferals have no place in the world either.

Dogmeat - Does not understand, but he knows his friend is sad, so he licks synth Nick's hand, trying to make him feel at least a little better. He will loyally be there beside his friend during his time of need.

Strong - Does not really care. He just wants to kill the feral ghoul because that is what everyone is supposed to do when those things start causing problems. Why care about something that is just a big problem?

Maxson - Is disgusted at the entire thing. He knows that the Commonwealth lives with synth Nick and that's bad enough, but to have a ghoul version as well? It is completely inexcusable and he finds it to be positively revolting.

Sturges - Does not even know how to react. He tries to offer any assistance he can with catching the feral ghoul Nick in case synth Nick wants to keep him safe. But when synth Nick makes the hardest choice for the situation, Sturges just stoically supports him, feeling bad for the synth.

Glory - Knows how hard it has to be to see someone that shares so much of his memories in this sort of state. However, since she does not know synth Nick too well, she just tries to give him his privacy. 

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