F!Sole Pulling Out Armory's Worth of Weapons and Ammo Out Of Pockets

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Cait - "I knew you were hiding the good stuff somewhere!!! I just didn't think you were keeping all that in your pockets..."

Piper - "Uh... Blue? Where exactly did all of that even come from? And how long have you been carrying it?"

Curie - "Goodness me! Your ability to continually withdraw weapons from your pockets is purely baffling! It is like a magic trick. I believe the term is... Abra-Cadabra?"

MacCready - "Wow!!! Alright, what's the trick? I've got to know how to do that! Can you imagine how much ammo I could keep?!"

Deacon - "Okay... So where can I get pockets like that? I would literally have them filled to the brim with different kinds of sunglasses."

Codsworth - "Wow, Mum! What an amazing little trick you've got there! I suppose I won't ask how you do it. After all, a magician never reveals her secrets, eh?!"

Hancock - "Am I high, or did you just pull a freaking Fat-Man and fifteen mini-nukes out of your pockets?! Please let this be a bad trip...."

Danse - "That... That is incredible. What is the trick behind it? It would be quite beneficial for Brotherhood soldiers due to the sheer amount of ammunition and weapons they could carry to defend themselves and to last on extended missions."

Preston - "Wow... I think you have enough ammunition to supply the entire Minutemen army..."

Valentine - "Wow, kid... Those pockets must go all the way to China..."

X6-88 - "Ma'am... That is somehow simultaneously exceedingly disturbing and absolutely fascinating."

Dogmeat - Does not understand where it's all coming from, but he does not question it. After all, his person is an absolute miracle, so it does not surprise him that she can do things normal people could never do.

Strong - "How tiny human fit all that in very little pockets?! Makes no sense!!!"

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