F!Sole Giving Them Custom-Made Weapon

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Cait - Is honestly sort of overcome with emotion when she is offered the pretty mahogany baseball bat coated in spikes and wrapped with barbed wire and razor wire. It even has a easily malleable foam for extra comfort for her hands. She blinks hard for a few seconds, completely unable to remember any time in her life that someone gave her an actual gift before F!Sole came along, and she tells the woman before her thank you before very hesitantly hugging her quickly.

Piper - Is filled with affection and honestly feels her jaw slackening as she receives the ten millimeter pistol with a large quick eject magazine, a sharpshooter's grip, and a compensator. She is even more thrilled when she sees that "Truthbringer" is written along the side of it in fancy cursive with golden swirly accents on the weapon. Piper bites her lip before quickly launching herself onto her Blue, hugging her tightly and thanking her quietly.

Curie - Is not one for weapons, but she is strangely thrilled when F!Sole gives her a long-barreled, recoil-compensated syringer rifle with a long recon scope. She is mostly pleased because she can help F!Sole take down enemies without actually having to kill them herself. She also is really excited to create concoctions to put in the rifle. She very excitedly hops in place in the midst of her excitement before hugging F!Sole tightly with a giant smile, expressing her gratitude with pure happiness.

MacCready - Is more excited than anything to receive a lever-action rifle with an advanced receiver, a long ported barrel, marksman's stock, and a long night vision scope. He is almost bouncing with his excitement as he looks the thing over with pure enthrallment in his eyes. He thanks her before eagerly suggesting that they go try it out.

Deacon - Is extremely thrilled to get a sniper rifle with an operating suppressor on it. Silent takedowns are his favorite and now that she has made it possible to be even more stealthy, he is very, very excited. He makes sure to tell her how much he appreciates it, and he playfully asks her if this is a sign and she has something violent planned for today.

Codsworth - Is absolutely thrilled when she works on him and gives him an improved flamethrower. The flames are now even greater in magnitude but they are very controlled as well. Therefore, he has a lot more range and can deal a lot more damage. If he were human, he would definitely be smiling from ear to ear as he happily thanks his mistress and takes her hand gently in a pincer.

Hancock - Is somehow bordering on emotional when he receives a beautifully crafted combat knife. It is gorgeously engraved with "For the People" written on the blade in beautiful cursive and the handle a beautiful deep stained wood. He quickly gets a hold of himself to thank her and he offers her a tight hug, wondering what he did to get so lucky as to have a best friend like this.

Danse - Is practically drooling at the mere sight of the Gatling laser that she has souped up for him that has a photon agitator, a boosted gamma wave emitter, charging barrels, and a beam focuser. He is overcome with emotion not just because of the beauty of the gun, but also the kindness, love, and hard work behind the gift. He softly yet very heartfeltly expresses his thanks, feeling his heart swell just from looking at her after the receiving of such a wonderful gift.

Preston - Is very quickly turning to pure mush as he takes in the upgraded laser musket that has a six crank capacitor, an extended long barrel, full stock, and glow sights. He gets a little choked up and he is honestly trying to hold it together. When he finds his voice, he tells her thank you, and hesitantly offers his general a one-armed hug, not wanting to overstep her boundaries.

Valentine - Is quite taken aback but really pleased to get a .44 pistol with an advanced receiver, a bull barrel, and a comfort grip. He feels a smile and a swell in his chest as he notices that it is exceedingly well-polished and shiny as can be, the entire thing practically glowing with the effort that F!Sole obviously put into it. He looks up at her after a long moment, knowing that if he were not a synth, tears would be in his eyes. He very heartfeltly tells her thank you and says how much it means to him before carefully reaching out and squeezing her shoulder.

X6-88 - Is extremely shocked and feels the strangest emotion within himself as he examines the Institute Laser Rifle with a gamma wave emitter, overcharged capacitor, long barrel, full stock, and a long recon scope. However, he feels extremely odd to see that she has removed the Institute paint from it (assuming one didn't go with the Institute ending) and she has instead made it a dark black with electric blue accents. He actually feels something akin to extreme happiness and fondness toward F!Sole, and it sort of scares him. After he thanks her properly, he escapes for some time to himself so he can try to get ahold of his emotions.

Strong - Is very happy to receive a bright red super-sledge with a stun pack equipped. He loves the color and he loves the extra danger added to the weapon, and he is very grateful indeed in his own way. Of course, his gratitude mostly consists of telling tiny human that she is good leader and that they should go kill something now.

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