Catching Teen F!Sole Doing Chems or Drinking Before She Runs and Screams

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For context, she is screaming, "You never let me have any fun, Mom/Dad!!!!"

Cait - "I ain't ye mum, but you'd better stop doing chems right now, ye hear?!!! Those things'll rot yer bones and sour yer blood!!!"

Piper - "What the--- Hey, you get back here right now!!! We need to have a serious talk about this! You shouldn't be drinking or chemming--- Gosh, is that even a word--- at this age!!!"

Curie - "Mademoiselle, I believe that we need to have a discussion about the degenerative effects of chems and alcohol. We also need to do a psychological examination! Is there something we need to talk about that is bothering you that has inspired you to do such things and to call me 'Mom?!'"

MacCready - "Wait just a frickin' minute! You can't drink or do chems at this age!!! And wait... Did you just call me DAD?!!!!"

Deacon - "Dad, huh? Okay... Well, as your fake father, I demand that you come back here right now! Man, that sounds even crazier saying it out loud..."

Codsworth - "Young F!Sole, that is rather inappropriate behavior for such a young girl! Moreover, as flattering as the title is, I am your butler and your guardian as of now! Not a parental figure!"

Hancock - "Hey, look... Come back and let's talk about this!!! As long as you use them responsibly, I've got no problem with your chems and your drinking, okay, kid?! But we do need to talk about this 'Dad' business!"

Danse - "Did she just... Did she just call me Dad? We need to discuss your habits, but firstly, I must establish that I am not your father!!! I am your commanding officer!!!"

Preston - "Umm... 'Dad?' Wait a minute, I'm losing focus--- Stop! We need to talk about this! Chems and drinking will get you nowhere!!!"

Valentine - "What in the--- Kid, come back here! We need to talk about this! And not just about the chems and drinking...."

X6-88 - "While it is really none of my business what sort of addictions you're nursing, we desperately need to discuss your... title for me."

Strong - "DAD NOT STRONG'S NAME!!! Tiny human not know what tiny human talking about!!! And tiny human should not take chems or drink! It BAD for tiny human!!!" 

Maxson - "Stop right now!!! You are not permitted to do chems on this ship! However, most importantly, I am not your father! That is simply disturbing!"

Sturges - "Wait, what?! I ain't your daddy, squirt. Now get back here! We need to have a real talk about taking chems and drinking! It's not good for you!"

Glory - "Woah, woah, woah!!! This whole thing is not going to fly, you understand?! I'm not your mom!!!"

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