F!Sole Alone and Singing Happy Birthday to Husband's Grave

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Cait - Quietly waits for her to finish and when she does, she just goes over and wordlessly sits next to her, offering her hand. She does not say a word unless F!Sole starts a conversation, but she feels the other woman's hurt and sadness rolling off of her in waves. Cait is not good with talking, so she just resolves to sit there and offer company in the form of quiet solidarity. When F!Sole cries, Cait squeezes her hand and scoots a bit closer, throwing an arm around her and squeezing tightly as she lets F!Sole bury her face in her shoulder.

Piper - Feels her heart sink to her feet and her stomach twists painfully. She waits for F!Sole to finish and go quiet for a moment before she heads over to her. She sits down next to the woman on the ground, and she puts her arm around her, leaning her head against F!Sole's. They eventually end up talking about the man laid to rest before them, and F!Sole shares some of her best stories about him. They both find themselves laughing a little despite the obvious pain that is underneath the surface. When F!Sole starts to cry, Piper reaches over and envelopes the woman in her arms, just whispering reassuring words and letting her cry it all out.

Curie - Immediately feels her chest squeezing tightly. She barely waits for F!Sole's song to end before she heads over and launches herself onto the other woman, her quiet tears soaking F!Sole's shoulder. F!Sole holds her tight, her own tears starting to stream down her face as the two of them just cry together for a long time. Finally, after they have both finished, Curie sadly but sweetly proclaims that they both are a mess and she reaches up to gently wipe away F!Sole's tears.

MacCready - Completely understands how F!Sole feels, and just stays nearby and lets her grieve in her own way. He did something similar to F!Sole's weird little song for Lucy. Whenever she stops singing, he shuffles nearby and awkwardly pats her on the shoulder, asking if she is alright. She eventually ends up resting her head on his shoulder and crossing her arms, crying softly. He wraps an arm around her somewhat nervously and just lets her stay there. Anything to make her feel better.

Deacon - Really wants to turn around and leave her be, but he sticks around despite his intense desire to do anything but. He clears his throat to let her know that he is there, but unless she initiates contact or wants him to come closer, he stays where he is, giving her proper distance and privacy.

Codsworth - Feels so, so sorry for his mistress and wants to do whatever he can to help her through this. He hovers a bit closer and quietly sings along. When they've finished, she looks at him with tears in her eyes, and he reaches out a pincer, patting her on the shoulder and assuring her that he understands and that he misses sir every day. She quickly hugs him, wrapping her arms around his metal middle the best she can. He sighs deeply and rests a pincer on her back, trying to make her feel at least a little better.

Hancock - Feels a deep sadness filling him, and he crosses his arms, watching her carefully. When she finishes singing, he approaches her. He offers her some chems if she is the kind to partake, but if she is not, then he just tries to comfort her. He hugs her and quietly speaks to her in reassuring tones, rubbing her back in soothing, wide strokes as he squeezes her tight.

Danse - Immediately feels terribly awkward. He knows that this was a terrible time to stumble upon her, and he is honestly quite unsure what to do with himself. However, he just exits his power armor and stands nearby until she has finished her song. When she is done, he walks up behind her and carefully places a hand on her shoulder. They stand there for a moment, her body stiff as she shakes her head. He quietly speaks words of reassurance, and it surprises him greatly when she launches herself on him and hugs him tightly. He is awfully uncomfortable when she suddenly starts crying on him. However, he wastes no time in hugging her in return and letting her head rest on his chest as she grieves. 

Preston - Feels his heart fall to his feet as he sadly looks at the woman while she sings. When she finishes, he just stands next to her and wraps an arm around her, just being there for her in the best manner he can. After a few moments, she starts to cry and he feels like crying as well. He then reaches around her and hugs her gently, letting her release all of her tears.

Valentine - Just stands nearby and puts his hands in his pockets. He knows how she feels. He can recall the old Nick's memories about Jennifer Lands and he knows the pain of losing a lover. When she has finished, he walks over, lighting a cigarette and asking her quietly if she would like to go for a walk. When she eventually agrees, they head out and talk quietly for a long time, him putting an arm around her if she starts to cry and needs the comfort.

X6-88 - Understands that she is experiencing normal human emotion and is grieving in her own way, so he resolves to simply stand guard. Besides, he is extremely uncomfortable with the fact that she is doing this and also that she seems to be crying. When he cannot stand her grief any longer and it is bothering him so terribly that he cannot listen to it for another second, he gently approaches and explains carefully that it would be best if they redirected their energy to something that would be less emotionally taxing for her.

Dogmeat - Whines and comes over to her, nudging her hand with his nose. After a moment, she reaches over and grabs him in her arms, hugging him as she cries. He snuffles at her ear and just lets her hold him as he whines lowly, feeling all of the pain within his person and wishing that he could do something to make her feel better. When she finally lets go of him, he just crawls into her lap and lays down, letting her just pet him until she feels better.

Strong - Is confused about what she is singing and why she's singing it to a rock. Doesn't tiny human understand that the rock won't understand her? He just stares at her as she eventually starts to cry. He does not have any idea about how to handle this, and he feels something strange in his chest as he watches her. It makes him want to smash something. So he leaves her be and stomps off to go destroy something nearby.

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