F!Sole as Medium to Bring Back Dead So People Can Say Goodbye

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Cait - When she figures this out, she is tempted to speak to her parents one last time. However, she knows that she has nothing left to say to them. At least, nothing that would not haunt her more than she already finds herself as a result of her past actions. Ultimately, she chooses not to ask F!Sole for that and decides to just leave the past as it is.

Piper - As soon as she finds out, she has someone in mind that she'd like to speak to--- her dad. When she finally asks F!Sole, she summons the man for Piper and Nat. When Piper sees him, she immediately tries to hug him. Unfortunately, due to the fact that he is just a soul, she cannot actually touch him and instead feels cold chills wash over her as she goes through his form. She almost cries at that fact alone. However, she starts to speak to him and tells him how much she misses him every day and that she avenged him. She saved those people in their old settlement and Mayburn is taken care of. He tells her how proud he is of her and how far she's come. He tells her that he knows his baby will keep doing great things. He tells Nat how much she's grown and how he's very proud of her, too, and that they should keep watching after one another. Piper tells him that now it's not just the two of them and that they have F!Sole, too. She also explains that F!Sole is her best friend and keeps them both very safe. He thanks F!Sole for her efforts and he tells her how happy he is that his kids has someone like F!Sole in their life. Piper and Nat are a blubbering mess when the time finally comes to say goodbye to him permanently, and they both tell him how much they loves him before he disappears. Piper then hugs Nat tightly, comforting her baby sister as they both cry. F!Sole stands nearby sadly. However, Piper soon extends her hand, and F!Sole takes it carefully. Before she knows it, she is yanked into the embrace with Piper and Nat, and the three of them just hug it out.

Curie - When she discovers this supernatural ability, she requests that F!Sole bring back Doctor Burrow so that she can tell him of her progress. When F!Sole brings him to this world, he does not recognize Curie at first. She proceeds to explain and reintroduce herself quickly. He soon recognizes her, and she explains that she is so, so happy to see him and that she successfully finished the antidote to every molerat disease. She also tells him that she has successfully created upgraded stimpaks and explains the science behind it with eyes practically glowing with excitement. He tells her that he is very proud of her and that she has done excellent work. Just before he goes, he wishes her luck in her scientific career and she starts to get quite emotional, expressing that she misses their camaraderie and that she will always remember him. When he is gone, she starts to cry, and F!Sole heads over, enveloping her in a tight embrace.

MacCready - After he realizes, he hesitantly asks her if she could bring Lucy back. When she brings her back, he reaches out, somehow knowing he cannot touch her, but still wanting to try. His hand goes through her face and cold washes over his skin rather than the warmth of another being. He proceeds to talk to her about Duncan and tells her all about his sickness and how F!Sole had helped him to save the boy. Lucy thanks her for helping to take care of Duncan, and MacCready and she talk for a little while more about their life together, recalling the good times they had. When it is time to go, he tells her how much he loves her and how he will miss her always. She tells him that she loves him and that she wishes she could stay forever. But it is not meant to be. As she disappears, he silently eyes where she had been, tears in his eyes. He asks for a bit of time alone after that, working to pull himself back together.

Deacon - When he finds out, he is hesitant to take advantage of it. He wants to see Barbara, but he is worried that if she truly was a synth, what if she does not have a soul to bring back? Plus, what if she did not recognize him after the amount of facial changes he underwent. That would likely be more crushing than even her possible lacking of a soul. He ends up resolving to just leave it alone, although it terribly bothers him and nags at him for a while until he eventually lets it go as best he can.

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