F!Sole Being a Part of Pre-War Special Forces

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Cait - Does not totally understand at first. However, when F!Sole explains it, she thinks it's pretty awesome. She is quickly asking about F!Sole's best fights, and if she has any tips to help Cait improve her fistfighting. Fortunately, F!Sole has quite a few pointers.

Piper - Is really fascinated and with great interest, questions F!Sole quite a bit about classified missions. Fortunately, now that pre-war times are long gone, F!Sole is able to talk about everything she's done. However, she tries to leave out the more gruesome tales, but Piper says that she would never think less of her even if she had to do some bad things.

Curie - Finds herself a little worried about what F!Sole had to do and how it could have affected her from a psychological standpoint, but she is very interested nonetheless. She actively listens when F!Sole speaks about it, and Curie even discusses some of her knowledge on the subject.

MacCready - Thinks it is really awesome when he hears about it and he asks her if she did any work as a sniper. He is very pleased to hear that while she did not personally do any sniping, she had a friend on her team that did. She recounts as many stories as she can remember, and MacCready just watches and listens quietly, taking it in excitedly.

Deacon - Is really excited when he hears this and he is really curious about the more spy-oriented parts of the job. When he hears about the voice changers, he thinks it is even more awesome and he asks her if she could figure out how to make one of those since he could definitely use it for Railroad missions.

Codsworth - Already knew that she was a part of special forces, but he is very happy to hear more about her job now that she doesn't have to keep secrets. He is enthralled with her tales, and listens carefully, leaning in a bit as the action escalates. 

Hancock - Is extremely interested and he tells her that she must have some real guts and seen some pretty crazy things. He asks for her best stories and they end up having a few laughs about some of the practical jokes that her and her military friends played on each other sometimes.

Danse - Is extremely enthralled and asks her tons of questions about it, wondering what it was like to be in such a prestigious militarized group. He makes some comparisons to the Brotherhood and he actually even says that he wishes the Brotherhood could adopt some of those strategies for themselves.

Preston - As soon as he figures out exactly what it is, he tells her that is incredible. He knew she was an amazing fighter but he had no idea that she was an elite soldier. He actually now thinks that she is somehow even more qualified to be the General of the Minutemen.

Valentine - Finds himself pretty surprised, but he's impressed with her abilities and the experience she has had. He asks her about the job, knowing it could not have always been an easy one, and he offers to talk with her about some of the worse sides of it if she wants.

X6-88 - Is quite impressed and he now understands why she has such incredible battle prowess. He believes that she is exceedingly talented and her time in special ops could only help her talent grow. He feels that she is an even greater asset to the Institute now.

Strong - Does not understand and even after she explains it, he's pretty confused. So she ends up just simply telling him that she and her team were some of the best fighters from her time. As soon as he hears that, he is much more interested and wants to know how she smashed enemies.


Maxson - Immediately is very pleased and interested. He asks her quite a few questions about the work, and once those are answered, he even asks her if she would like to teach Brotherhood soldiers some of the strategies and techniques that F!Sole learned during her time in the special forces.

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