If F!Sole is Receiving Unwanted Advances

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Cait - Will stand threateningly nearby as she very closely watches the situation, which usually discourages them. However, if the person makes the mistake of putting their hands literally anywhere on F!Sole, she will immediately pull out her fists and make a dash for their face. The only thing that can stop her when she's going to hit them is F!Sole herself. If the person was relatively harmless with a shoulder touch or something similar, it will only take F!Sole grabbing her shoulder and squeezing a bit to keep her from hitting them. But if the person touched anything else, F!Sole has to grab Cait and hold her back if she does not want Cait to smash their faces in.

Piper - As soon as she sees her Blue looking uncomfortable, she wastes no time in making her way over and pulling out her notepad. This automatically makes the person look at her strangely, and if they continue to pursue F!Sole and ignore Piper, Piper starts making thoughtful hums as she writes stuff down on her notepad and watches the both of them carefully. That usually leaves the person unsettled enough to leave, but if they're really pushy, Piper has no problem stepping in and describing her newest spot in the headlines about a lingering, loitering potential rapist. That always makes them leave.

Curie - Although it is difficult for her to understand and spot when people are flirting and making advances toward F!Sole, she does begin to feel uncomfortable and understand that F!Sole herself is uncomfortable just by her body language. Therefore, Curie usually proceeds to politely interrupt and explain that their advances seem to be greatly unwanted and completely unsolicited. They usually move their attentions over to her, and F!Sole ends up getting significantly nastier with them, sending them away from both of the girls.

MacCready - Will usually start talking to F!Sole about something totally different, giving her an opportunity to direct all of her attention toward him and away from the person. The fact that she is blatantly ignoring them usually wards them away. If the person is pushier than expected, he'll guide her away from the person and keep talking as they leave the area.

Deacon - Claims that he is her boyfriend and to back off and leave her alone. He makes quite the scene and by the time it is through, the person leaves just in time for him and F!Sole to share a good laugh about them.

Codsworth - Will usually end up shooing them away. It is rather humorous and is quite reminiscent of a maid sweeping away a dust bunny. He pokes all of his pincers into them and they end up becoming so freaked out that they leave F!Sole alone. 

Hancock - If he sees F!Sole is uncomfortable, he will throw an arm around F!Sole and pull out his knife, examining it and occasionally shifting his arm over so that his hand that is around F!Sole can rub the sides of it and clean it a little. This as well as his unpredictably dangerous reputation always makes people leave F!Sole alone.

Danse - Draws his laser rifle and starts to clean it, sending well-placed glares to the person as he unashamedly sizes them up. Occasionally, he'll look through the gun and aim it in the name of checking it. He usually ends up scaring them into leaving. However, if they're too dumb or persistent to take a hint, he will shift closer, standing just behind F!Sole and glaring down at the person as if he might squish them under his power armor-covered boot.

Preston - Proceeds to explain that the person should not be speaking to the leader of the Minutemen in such a lewd manner. This will either make the person more attracted to her or slightly fearful of what she is capable of. Usually it makes them more attracted, so F!Sole ends up having to get a little less than nice with them.

Valentine - Will give F!Sole enough time to turn the person down, but will waste no time in stepping in and giving the person a warning if they keep persisting. He does not usually get violent, but he will urge them to go away with subtle threats.

X6-88 - Usually remains quite neutral unless the person starts really pushing themselves onto her. He will then pull out his gun and threaten them, explaining that they should just turn around and leave if they know what is best for them. They usually comply.

Dogmeat - Keeps a watchful eye over the situation and growls if the person even starts to reach out toward F!Sole. No one is putting their hands on his human. Usually people have more sense than to keep pursuing F!Sole when Dogmeat does that, but if they fail to get the message, he has no problem moving closer and letting his hackles raise in a well-executed warning.

Strong - Reacts only if the person is trying to kiss her or touch her way too much. He will ordinarily charge in, shoving them backwards with enough force to knock them on their behind. F!Sole usually has to tell him to stop attacking at that point.

A/N: Feel free to give suggestions for reactions! I'd love to write some for y'all. 🥰💖

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