F!Sole Finding Container of Glitter and Causing Chaos

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Cait - When she finds her shoe filled with glitter at the bottom, she at first thinks that one of F!Sole's other companions had done it. However, when she figures out that F!Sole did it, she wastes no time in sneaking up behind F!Sole and dumping the glitter out of her shoe all over F!Sole's head.

Piper - Honestly thinks that Nat was the one that coated her sweets in glitter. But when she figures out it was her Blue? Oh, it is on. She makes sure to find some glitter of her own and at the next dinner when F!Sole leaves to wash up, Piper covers her food in glitter. When F!Sole comes back, she is met with a sparkling steak.

Curie - Is very surprised to find her mole rat claws positively covered in glitter. It is quite frustrating for her, but she does not retaliate. In fact, she tries to give F!Sole a good talking to. But F!Sole just can't stop laughing at her.

MacCready - Is very, very aggravated when she glues a little sparkliness onto his gun. Fortunately, it is pretty easy to get off, so he does not stay mad about it for long. He takes it pretty well, and actually even puts a little on her gun in return when they're on the road, getting a childish glee out of seeing her shocked face when she pulls out her prized handgun with it shining like a disco ball as the raiders around laugh and make fun of her.

Deacon - Is not angry at all when he finds glitter wonderglued to his sunglasses. He just puts them on, commenting that he looks very fancy. However, the next day, F!Sole finds her vault suit with newly added glittering accents all over it. There is an especially large amount lining her butt to bring extra attention to it. Naturally, she does her best to scrub it all off as soon as possible.

Codsworth - Is endlessly aggravated despite never having a glitter prank played on him. He is the one having to clean up after the glitter messes made everywhere, and he is frustrated as can be with F!Sole and the whole situation. While he does like the fact that it gives him something to do, he does not appreciate how it somehow always leaves its remains in places that no one would anticipate.

Hancock - Is laughing a little when he sees his box of mentats with "rotgut" written in glitter on the outside. However, when he opens the box and there is so much glitter inside that it is overfilling, he is quiet for a moment. In the end, he can't help but laugh, the whole thing just rolling off of him pretty easily. Since it's her, he does not aim to get any revenge. But if anyone else had done it, he would definitely stab them.

Danse - Is somewhere between bumfuzzled and very angry to find his power armor filled with glitter. He has no idea how she even found enough glitter to fill it, but she somehow managed it and when he opens the back of it, it all comes flowing out in a giant pile. He makes sure to have a long talk with her about keeping glitter away from serious equipment.

Preston - Cannot help but laugh a little and roll his eyes when he sees that she has glitterfied his scarf. He gets a little worried, though, when he sees that it is difficult to get off of the scarf. By the time he is done cleaning it, there is a bit of glitter left that makes it sparkle just a little, but it is mostly just a memory.

Valentine - Is very unimpressed when he finds that she has sprinkled quite a bit of glitter inside his hat when he took it off a while back and now that he puts it on, glitter is falling down his head and his face. He quickly figures out that it was her behind the whole thing, but he does not retaliate. His sheer sternness as he stares F!Sole down is plenty enough to make her feel very guilty about doing it to him.

X6-88 - Honestly does not know what to think when he finds his courser uniform lined in glitter. He is honestly quite irked by it, but he is somehow attracted to the look at the same time. However, it also makes him look less professional, but it is fancy. He is very conflicted.

Dogmeat - When she ties a glittery bandana around his neck, he is thrilled since she seems so happy. He does not really care what it looks like, but he is just happy to wear any bandana or collar since that makes him feel like he belongs to her.

Strong - Does not even flinch and just stares when she throws glitter onto his chest, the stuff falling and sticking to him all over as the sweat beads on him from his time out in the sun. He tilts his head oddly, looking down at it as he picks at it a little, his brow furrowed even more than usual. After a long moment, he asks if tiny human is trying to make him pretty.

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