F!Sole Chilling Until Rat Runs at Her and She Climbs Up Wall and Won't Come Down

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Cait - "It's just a stupid rat! It's probably gone now! But more importantly, how did you even get up there that way?!"

Piper - "Just hold on! If I can figure out how to climb up there like that, I'm going to be right up there with you!"

Curie - "Ooh! A rat! It is very cute, is it not? But wait! Madame, how have you managed to climb up there? You are like a spider on the wall!"

MacCready - "AAAAGGHHHH!!!! Oh, wait, I mean... Umm... A rat! Ha, ha... Umm, how did you get up there, anyway? Is there a special trick to it because I'd kind of like to learn? Heh, heh...."

Deacon - "Woah... All that for a rat? You must have a serious phobia to be able to literally climb up a wall and hang on for so long."

Codsworth - "Good golly, Mum! I forgot you were so terrified of rats! I'll rid ourselves of this infestation right this very moment!"

Hancock - "Please let me be high... I'm honestly too tired to do this today..."

Danse - "Incredible... May I ask how you're holding yourself up there? It honestly does not make logical sense."

Preston - "Woah! Did you see that thing run toward you?! Wait a minute... General, I think you need to calm down some!"

Valentine - "It's okay, kid. I think it's gone now. You can retract the claws now and come down from the wall."

X6-88 - *swiftly withdraws his gun and shoots the rat* "There, Ma'am. I have taken care of the situation. You can come down now."

Dogmeat - Growls and immediately chases after the rat. After all, this thing just scared his person, and no one scares his person! He does not come back until he has locked his jaws around the thing and has shaken it to death. Then he comes back and proudly presents his prize to F!Sole.

Strong - "HAHAHAHAHA, tiny human scared of rat! Tiny human climb up wall, HAHAHAHA---"

A/N: I've been thinking about leaving off Maxson, Sturges, and Glory unless you guys specify you want me to write them in your suggestions. It is getting kind of difficult to keep up with all of the requests I've been getting, and I think it might be easier if I mostly stuck to the main base game companions. It's getting a little overwhelming to be honest, and I think that if I mostly stuck to the main companions, it might be easier. Of course, if y'all want some of the extras for whatever request you make, you can let me know and I'll include them. But if you don't specify, I'll just go with the main group.

Also, if you have specific requests with just very few characters to react, I can give much more detailed reacts 🥰

But I hope all of that is okay with y'all, and I look forward to answering more of your very creative and very awesome requests! 💙💛

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