F!Sole Finds Vault Full of Billions of Caps

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Cait - "Holy--- This is more money than I've ever seen in me entire miserable life!!! Quick, let's stuff as much as we can in our bags before any other saps come to lay their claim!"

Piper - "Woah-ho, wow!!! Blue, who do you think all of this belongs to? And if they're dead, imagine all the good we could do... The things we could build for people... Gosh..."

Curie - "My goodness! Perhaps we should look for the owner of all of this money... But they are likely deceased judging by the house above us... So, Madame, have we hit the... how you say...? Jackpot?!"

MacCready - "Oh, my-- do you know what we could do with all of this?!!! WE'RE FRIGGIN' RICH, BOSS!!! I might cry..."

Deacon - "In all of my travelling through the Commonwealth... How exactly did I miss all this?" 

Codsworth - "Good golly, Mum! Looks like we hit it big! And we weren't even mining! Ha, ha!"

Hancock - "Welp, sister, looks like we're painting the town! What do you say we go and buy all the chems we can take without turning inside out?"

Danse - "A find this big must be distributed for the greater good. I recommend donating this to the Brotherhood to fund their efforts in protecting the Commonwealth."

Preston - "Wow, this is... This is the craziest thing I've ever seen!!! Do you think the owner is still around to lay claim to it? And if he's not... Wow, this would just do so much to help our cause, General!"

Valentine - "Good grief... What kind of moron puts this kind of money all in one place?! This is absolutely incredible..."

X6-88 - "Hmm... Interesting. This should be of some interest to you and your efforts throughout the Commonwealth. It will be rather useless in the end, however, when the Institute has its way."

Dogmeat - Doesn't understand the significance, but F!Sole seems pretty enthralled, so it must be wonderful. He wags his tail and barks happily, spinning in circles as he enjoys her excitement.

Strong - "Hmph... Strong no need dumb caps. Strong just need hammer and Strong smash everything!"

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