Mayor McDonough Exposed as a Synth

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Cait - Is surprised at the discovery and disgusted by the entire ordeal. More than anything, she wanted F!Sole to put a bullet between the machine's eyes and completely forget about the entire idea of trying to provide McDonough with a fair trial. However, she respects F!Sole's decision and was ultimately satisfied when F!Sole gunned him down.

Piper - Feels justified, sad, angry, and victorious all at the same time. Justified because all of her hard work at exposing him has finally paid off, sad because people are going to be so panicked, angry because he has been deceiving everyone, and victorious because she can finally say that she is right. And while--- similarly to F!Sole--- Piper wishes that he could've had a fair trial, she knows that F!Sole killing him was the best and only option to keep everyone safe because of his refusal to comply with law.

Curie - Is absolutely astonished. She had not been too well accustomed with the mayor or the rumors of synthhood surrounding him. However, as soon as she finds out that he held his secretary as a hostage and almost killed her as well as Danny Sullivan, Curie was terribly angry and knew that F!Sole did the right thing by killing him.

MacCready - Was shocked despite the fact that it truly was nothing to him. He did not really care about the entire conflict in Diamond City, but he was certainly disgusted at how the synth had tricked everyone into thinking that he was the good guy.

Deacon - Is sad that McDonough could not have been taken in and memory wiped to be released as a new man, but he understands that every life is important whether it is synth or human. And at that moment, he knows that more human life was endangered and it was definitely better to have killed one synth to preserve the lives of many.

Codsworth - Is very surprised and is even more horrified at the fact that F!Sole had to kill McDonough. However, he didn't question her, and he knew that it was likely the best decision for everyone. He just can't believe the mess it left behind...

Hancock - Is confused and upset. He doesn't know whether it was his brother or if it was a synth that had cast all of the ghouls from Diamond City, and it irritates as well as hurts him deeply. He honestly does not know what to think about it all. 

Danse - Is extremely angry and feels great hatred toward the Institute, McDonough, and all that they represent, despite his own identity. He is extremely proud of how F!Sole handled the entire ordeal and he applauds her for her straightforwardness and bravery.

Preston - Is proud of his general for taking care of the people of the Commonwealth and ensuring their safety. He definitely feels that the world is a better place as a result of McDonough's extermination.

Valentine - Is honestly not too surprised, but he's certainly worried about how the people will handle this new information. He can't help but wonder what it might mean for him and the reputation of all other synths, but he's most pleased with the fact that Diamond City is no longer going to be manipulated by a dangerous Institute agent.

X6-88 - Regrets that everyone found out that McDonough was a synth. He was an important piece in Institute operations in Diamond City. It was unfortunate, and he is extremely disappointed in as well as angry with F!Sole for killing McDonough.

Dogmeat - Doesn't really understand what happened, but he knows that when he came into the room alongside F!Sole and Piper, he smelled fear and danger. He could not help but snarl, feeling the fear, anger, and desperation rolling off of F!Sole as she watched the woman on the floor. And when F!Sole shot the man and hurried over to check on the woman, he gave the body on the floor one last growl for good measure.

Strong - Doesn't care. He only wishes that F!Sole would have given him permission to eat that dumb lady that the fancy-pants man had captured. He hasn't eaten a good human in months!

Thank you to @The_Blindbandit for the ask!

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