Young F!Sole Having Crush on Male Companions

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MacCready - Just tries to keep acting normal around her. She will surely get over it at some point. Even he had a crush on a much older person when he was a kid. He knows it's just one of those things that kids go through.

Deacon - Finds it to be absolutely adorable. He lets her keep going with it, and he even lets her tell everyone that he's her boyfriend. Behind her back, he shakes his head and chuckles before telling people the truth of it. 

Codsworth - Thinks it is sort of cute, but he insists that she needs to get out and meet some young boys that are her age. After all, he is not quite sure that it is overly healthy for her to have any sort of attraction to a robot such as himself.

Hancock -  Finds it to be hilarious. But he does try not to let her see him flirting with adults that he's actually interested in. After all, he doesn't want to hurt the little goofball's feelings even if he would never ever reciprocate her crush.

Danse - Is embarrassed horribly, and tries to very literally keep her at arms distance. He does not even give her a pat on the shoulder for a job well done, and he keep his praise very limited and careful. He does not want this to keep going.

Preston - Ignores the signs and hopes it'll go away. But he does try to even more proactively do the right thing in hopes that maybe it will sway her in the right direction. If she's going to have a crush on him, maybe he can at least be a good influence for her.

Valentine - Honestly hopes that she will soon enough let go of her crush. It makes him a little uncomfortable, but he usually just laughs it off, trying to make comments about him being an old man in order to ward her away in a gentle, surreptitious manner.

X6-88 - When he discovers this fact, he is quite perturbed and make a point to be even more distanced and stiff around her. He does not know how to handle it, and he desperately hopes it will go away.

Thank you to @yeslamblack43 for the request!!! Also, I left out Strong because I'm not really sure if anyone would have a crush on him... But if you'd like me to go back and add him in, I'd be glad to!

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