Companions and F!Sole Making and Setting Off Fireworks

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Cait - Absolutely loves it and actually has a several tips on how to make explosives out of just a few ingredients. They both quickly manage to rig some fireworks together, and Cait cannot keep the grin off of her face as she helps F!Sole start to set them all off. When they hurry out of the line of fire, the explosives go up high in the sky, bursting into beautiful colors. F!Sole squeezes Cait's shoulder, letting her hand rest on the redhead's arm, and Cait reciprocates the gesture. They both are having way too much fun watching the big booms.

Piper - Is exceedingly enthusiastic about the idea. She knows how to rig some firecrackers, but does not know much about making actual fireworks. However, she is more than willing to help her Blue make them, and she is prattling on about all the different times that she had pranked people by putting firecrackers in strange places. When it is time to set them off, she is eagerly helping F!Sole and they both step back to watch the results of their efforts. Piper is almost breathless and is totally speechless as she stares at the gorgeous sparks in the sky. She puts her arm around her best friend, resting her head on her shoulder as she just enjoys the moment. 

Curie - Is practically bouncing with excitement as she tells F!Sole the best combinations to create relatively safe yet very effective explosives. F!Sole does most of the putting together, but Curie has enough excitement to count for the both of them. When they finally get to watch them go off in the night, Curie hugs F!Sole tightly in the midst of her pure excitement, her eyes large as she gapes at the show. It is indeed a wonderful show.

MacCready - Looks like a kid in a candy store as he eyes all of the explosives that F!Sole is arranging. By the time it is night, he is practically beside himself with the excitement of it all, and he eagerly helps her set them off. As soon as the explosions start, he is laughing like a madman and he asks F!Sole quickly if they can do this more often.

Deacon - As long as it is not around Railroad HQ or any safehouses, he is perfectly fine with it and actually loves them. He's not a fan of the noise and how much attention they bring, but he thinks that the beauty of them is worth it. He actually knows a little about putting them together and he helps her throw together some interesting combos. They almost are in the line of fire when they ignite them, but they manage to escape mostly unscathed. As they're lying on the ground from where they had to throw themselves down and out of the way, he is just grinning ridiculously. 

Codsworth - Is absolutely thrilled to be partaking and recreating something from Pre-War times. He is beyond excited and offers to help her in any way he can with setting them up, despite the fact that he knows absolutely nothing about making fireworks. When she is ready to ignite them, he assists her with that excitedly. When they go off, it gives him a true sense of satisfaction and contentment. They may live in a wasteland, but some traditions will always stay with them.

Hancock - Has never felt more patriotic in his life, and he eagerly takes notes of everything that F!Sole does when she is making the fireworks. He very excitedly helps her as much as he can during the process of making them and he enthusiastically helps her ignite them as well. When they finish and the explosions go off, he has a giant smile that just won't go away. He will definitely be taking advantage of fireworks for future Goodneighbor events.

Danse - Is somewhat worried about the dangers that these sorts of explosions may pose, so he makes sure to stay in his power armor while he and F!Sole are working. He strongly recommends that she gets in her power armor as well, but if she turns him down, he just resolves to grab her and shield her if something goes wrong. He does the best he can to help considering that he is in his power armor and his hands are much bigger than when he usually works on things. When it is time to set them off, he offers to do it for her, but they both end up doing it together. When they are blasting in the sky, he takes off his helmet slowly, just staring up at the sparks. He is completely flabbergasted and amazed.

Preston - Insists that they do the fireworks show at the Castle so the other minutemen can see. He also likes the patriotic feel of the location. While he does not know how to make fireworks, he catches on pretty quickly, and he gladly helps her with every aspect of the process. When the fireworks are in the sky, exploding in tons of stunning colors, he just stares, completely baffled by the beauty before him. He feels such a sense of hope when he sees them, and he then knows that they need to make fireworks more often.

Valentine - Greatly enjoys helping F!Sole with setting the fireworks up and setting them off. He likes the happiness that it brings to her, and he himself enjoys the nostalgia of it all. He easily finds many instances that the old Nick Valentine had watched fireworks and he had also inherited the old Nick Valentine's love for fireworks. When they get to ignite the fireworks, they both just stand there and watch. They soon end up sharing stories of past Independence Days gone by, recollecting the fireworks shows of Pre-War times.

X6-88 - Does not particularly enjoy the overwhelming noise and the attention that it is going to bring to their position. But he goes along with it for her sake. He does not help her, but he will assist in setting them off if she insists. When they start to explode in the sky, he is somewhat enamored. He does not say anything, but he is indeed paying quite a bit of attention to the show.

Dogmeat - Eagerly sits near her and looks at what she is doing. He senses that she is excited about whatever it is, so he feels pretty enthusiastic about the entire thing, too. Even if he doesn't understand totally. However, when she starts setting them off, he is a little less enthusiastic. He's not afraid at all, but he does not particularly enjoy how loud the noises are in the sky. But she seems happy, so he just gladly leans against her and enjoys her petting him.

Strong - Does not understand what she is doing, but when she tells him that it makes big booms, he is thrilled. He doesn't help her put them together, but when it comes time to set them off, he starts igniting them and throwing them up in the air as far as he can chuck them. When they explode, he is laughing heartily and having the time of his life. This is now his most favorite thing to do besides fighting.

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