Abused F!Sole that is Glad Her Husband is Dead

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Cait - Is enraged at the fact that anyone put their hands on F!Sole. She honestly wants to go to his body in the Vault and deface it a little, but F!Sole convinces her not to. However, she is very happy that the woman is free from his disgusting habits, and she will personally ensure that no one else touches F!Sole.

Piper - Cannot believe that anyone would hit her Blue, and it hurts her heart to think that abuse was around even back in those days. She just hugs her best friend and completely sympathizes with her, letting her tell her of all the painful moments from before.

Curie - Is absolutely horrified at the thought of someone abusing F!Sole. She is actually stirred to tears from the mere idea of it, and she quickly reaches out to her, hugging her tightly as she tries to calm down a little. She finds that she herself is very glad that he is dead, too.

MacCready - Is sort of relieved that he has not been travelling with a psychopath since he was at first terribly confused why she was happy her husband was gone. Now that he knows that the man was absolutely horrible, he sees her viewpoint and totally understands.

Deacon - Finds himself quite pleased that her husband is gone. He cannot imagine what it must have been like to suffer through living with someone that she could not trust at all. He feels deeply for her, but tries to disguise it through gentle jokes. 

Codsworth - Is rather sad that she is so relieved. However, he completely understands why she feels the way she does. He absolutely hated being so helpless to do anything about it when her husband got so angry with her and started to hit her. In the end, he ultimately decides that he is sort of glad, too, now that she is safe from him.

Hancock - Kind of wants to go and spit on the man's body now. But he holds back that urge, figuring that some folks are best just left in the past. He is very glad that she is away from the nasty man, though, and he will make sure that no other disgusting piece of work puts his hands on her ever again.

Danse - Feels intense disgust toward her husband, and he honestly wishes that he would have had a chance to address him. After all, a true soldier does not harm his wife and treasures her properly, and Danse knows this. He has seen so many good men in the Brotherhood that had wives in the past and talked about them with the greatest respect and love. Danse is glad she is rid of her husband since he is a true embodiment of what soldiers should never be.

Preston - Is very surprised that it happened to her. He is extremely sympathetic, and he tries to comfort her in any way he can. He understands completely why she is glad he is gone, and he shares the sentiment wholeheartedly.

Valentine - Is very glad for her. He feels very sad for her and hates that someone would ever abuse her. Especially someone who is supposed to love her so much. He ultimately believes that it is best that the man is gone, and he is happy she can find some peace finally.

X6-88 - Honestly wishes that the Institute would invent a time machine as they have sometimes discussed lightly. While X6 is not one for emotions, abusers disgust him, and he would love to have the opportunity to give the man what he deserved.

Strong - Understands completely. If super-mutant brother is being mean to the rest of the group, then it is standard practice to kill them or leave them behind and be happy about it. He is glad to hear that humans are the same way, and he thinks she's better off without the man.

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