F!Sole Finds Out that Vault Full of Billions of Caps is Really Full of Fake Caps

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Cait - "Should've known this was fake.... I hope the bloody moron that set this up isn't dead yet. I'd like to beat the stuffing outta him!"

Piper - "Huh... I was wondering what that stink was in here. Who would've guessed it was counterfeit? My readers are gonna love this story..."

Curie - "Oh, no! Did the owner of this vault not know that this was all counterfeit money? What a shame."

MacCready - "What the--- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! *bursts into tears*"

Deacon - "Oh... No wonder I never heard anything about it! All the people that stumbled up on this were probably too embarrassed to say that they found a vault full of fake caps and fell for it at first."

Codsworth - "Well, that's too bad... But look at the bright side, Mum! There are plenty more vaults in the Commonwealth, and I'm sure there's one out there that's full of all the caps you could imagine!"

Hancock - "This really sucks. And I've dealt with a lot of things that suck in my life, but this... This is one of the top sucktacular occurences..."

Danse - "This is an extremely disheartening turn of events. What imbecile would just paint tons of plastic bottlecaps to resemble true money? It would be such a waste of valuable time that could be spent elsewhere."

Preston - "Ah... I guess when things look like they're too good to be true, they usually are... Sorry, General..."

Valentine - "Huh... Well, I guess that explains the lack of security surrounding the place... Chin up, kid. I'm sure there's a motherlode somewhere out there."

X6-88 - "Hmm. I suppose that is rather unfortunate with respect to the near future. But don't worry, Ma'am. The Institute will one day render the caps system entirely useless as it moves toward a more efficient manner of currency." 

Dogmeat - When he realizes that F!Sole is suddenly much less happy, he is unhappy with her. She seems disappointed and confused, and he realizes that someone must have did her a bamboozle. He noses her hand and licks it, trying to make her feel a little better.

Strong - "Tiny human no need caps! Tiny human just need guns and fists! Like Strong!"

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