F!Sole's Now Grown Up White-Faced Deer is Killed by Raiders Attacking Sanctuary

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Cait - Is not going to cry over it, but she is certainly hurt deeply by its loss. She blames herself for letting something so beautiful be killed by the raiders. She had promised to protect it, and now F!Sole is devastated. So she now is going to do the best she can to find any raiders that might have escaped. She will make them pay for taking F!Sole's pet from her.

Piper - Is crying with F!Sole, and they just hug each other tightly, trying to help one another get through the loss of the sweet pet. Piper had gotten really fond of the deer and she loved it dearly, and she is so hurt that it's gone. She is right by F!Sole's side the entire time that it is being buried, and she actually considers writing a special mini-article about the darling creature.

Curie - Is quite possibly even more heartbroken than F!Sole. She is sobbing uncontrollably, brokenly asking F!Sole why the raiders had to destroy everything, even something so innocent and sweet and harmless as the deer. It is something that weighs her down for quite some time. 

MacCready - Is injured to the core and he mysteriously disappears from the scene when F!Sole is kneeled over the deer that she loved so dearly, crying desperately as she buries her face in the hairs around its neck. However, when he comes back, his eyes are red, and he's sniffling quite frequently.

Deacon - Is upset by its loss and is a lot quieter than normal after it happens. It just seems so surreal. Despite his knowledge about the ruthlessness of the Commonwealth, he for some reason thought that the deer might be safe from it. 

Codsworth - Is the one that found her, and he is positively sickened by her loss. If he could cry, he would definitely be sobbing uncontrollably right now. He is terribly upset for quite some time, but after he has done the best he can in comforting F!Sole, he throws himself into decorating her grave to the best of his ability. 

Hancock - Feels like he should have done better and that he should have been there to protect the deer. However, he does make a public speech making a promise to murder every other raider that was part of that group. This cruel act shall not go unpunished.

Danse - Is legitimately injured by the loss of the deer. He feels like crying, but as per usual, he puts so much more of his effort in worrying over F!Sole and trying to make her feel better. He feels that he should have immediately headed to protect the deer and that if he would have just seen the raiders coming, he could have saved her.

Preston - Feels his heart fall to his feet when he finds out. He knows precisely how much the doe meant to F!Sole. F!Sole had loved her just as much as everyone else in her strange found family. The deer was a very treasured pet that she had loved with all of her heart and spent a lot of time with. Preston had been making updates to the Minutemen about how the creature had been doing ever since it was young. It had become a sort of fun break in-between serious reports. But now he is going to have to break the horrible news that she had died.

Valentine - Is heartbroken alongside her. He offers her as much comfort as he can, but his chest is tightening and hurting so much from the pain of losing the creature that he's not doing too good of a job with the whole thing.

X6-88 - Is strangely upset by it. He does not admit it and he remains as stoic as ever, but he is just a bit less mission-driven than usual. He tries to push past his feelings by reminding himself that it is just an animal, but F!Sole's sadness is hurting him, too, and he just can't avoid that exactly.

Dogmeat - Is right beside F!Sole when the creature is breathing its last. He knows she is dying, he can sense it, and he whimpers and whines until she is gone. He then puts all of his effort into trying to bring F!Sole some comfort and love during this hardship. He is very sad to lose his friend.

Strong - Does not understand why F!Sole is so sad about it. After all, they can finally eat it now! Shouldn't she be happy about that? Unfortunately, that just makes her cry even more.

Maxson - Feels sorry for F!Sole mostly. He was not too attached to the deer, but he does find it to be a shame that it has died before Senior Scribe Neriah even had a chance to look it over. He offers his deepest condolences to F!Sole and he offers to have it taxidermied for her so that she can always remember it. But that has the exact opposite effect from what he was hoping for.

Sturges - Feels like crying, but he holds it together long enough to offer to bury it for her. She takes him up on the offer, and he sets to digging the hole for it. It is only during his hard work, sweat running down his forehead, when he finally cries, sweat and tears rolling and mixing together until they cannot be discerned from one another.

Glory - Is almost in tears when she finds out. She quickly excuses herself to go cry somewhere in private. She cannot believe that her little buddy has been killed by raiders. She should have known that such a beautiful, wonderful thing could not have lasted in the ugly Wasteland, but she had certainly had her hopes about it.

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