F!Sole as Dentist

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Cait - Thinks that's great for her and other people. When F!Sole offers to look over Cait's teeth, she does not particularly want to let her examine her. But when F!Sole promises not to hurt her, Cait lets her have a look. Unfortunately, several of them are chipped pretty badly from her time out fighting, and F!Sole asks Cait if she wants her to fix them. However, Cait declines, believing that since they have looked this way for so long, she might as well keep them the way they are.

Piper - Is very pleased to hear that, and she asks F!Sole to give Nat an examination. She actually even gets examined herself since Nat refuses to do it unless she sees that it is safe. Unfortunately, Piper has several small cavities from her sweets habit, and F!Sole has to take care of them. Piper does not exactly react wonderfully but tries to swallow the pain. Nat is not dumb at all, though, and Nat absolutely refuses to have her teeth looked at afterward since she saw how painful it was.

Curie - Is extremely happy as soon as she hears about it, and she immediately requests an examination. F!Sole is very happy to tell her that she is completely clean outside of just a bit of plaque. Curie is very relieved to know that her hard work in attempting to keep up her teeth has been paying off.

MacCready - Does not want any part of the examination, but she finally convinces him after a long while of pestering him. His teeth are horridly crooked, some are chipped, they're blooming with cavities, and F!Sole is honestly at a loss as to what is even keeping them in his head at this point. She insists on doing work to him so that he does not end up without any teeth at all, and that takes about a month or two of convincing.

Deacon - Is pretty happy to have a dentist on hand, and he asks her for an examination. After all, even though he's always changing and fixing his face, he has never really found someone to help him with his teeth until she came along. He only has some plaque and they are a bit crooked. He decides that he doesn't want to change the position of his teeth since it would be too long of a process, but she helps him quite a bit with the plaque situation. At the end, he decides that he'll go to her and let her look at them again soon.

Codsworth - Already knew she was a dentist, but is very proud of her nonetheless. He has no teeth to speak of, but he is very happy that she can repair and clean the teeth of the ordinarily unsanitary wastelanders that they come across. He excitedly tells anyone nearby who will listen about her feats in dentistry. He also helps her with any examinations she does, handing her tools if she needs them.

Hancock - Thinks that it might be beneficial to some people, but he feels that his teeth are a little beyond fixing. However, she offers to look nonetheless, and he allows her to. To both of their surprise, his teeth are not quite as bad as he thought. They're pretty radiated, and there are many cavities, but she does the best that she can. When she is done, they look a lot better, and he makes sure to come back and get them checked regularly.

Danse - Is very interested when she first brings it up, and if she offers him an examination, he takes her up on it. He believes that it could be beneficial to ensure the good upkeep of his teeth. He has a few chipped teeth and his teeth are coated pretty heavily with plaque. However, she gives him a pretty good cleaning job, and he is pretty shocked at how much different his teeth feel. He ultimately decides that he likes it, and he decides to let her look at them periodically.

Preston - Thinks that it could help a lot of people, and he tentatively asks for a checkup if she does not mind. She happily agrees, and she examines him. Fortunately, he only has some plaque buildup and the rest of his teeth are mostly intact and doing well. She gives him a quick cleanup, and he is as good as new.

Valentine - Is very pleased to know that there is a dentist in this broken down Commonwealth. He knows that they could definitely use some teeth-fixers. While he does not exactly have traditional human teeth, he lets her take a look at his if she wants. They're pretty much just plastic that is made to resemble teeth, and outside of a little wear and tear on the molars from him grinding his teeth a little, his dental health is rather good.

X6-88 - Is pleased that there is someone in the Commonwealth with proper understanding of what teeth are meant to look like. However, when she offers an examination, he does not particularly want her picking at his mouth and prodding around inside of it, but he finally decides to allow her to after she insists. His teeth are actually very clean from his time at the Institute, and she does not really have to do anything to them at all.

Dogmeat - Does not understand the whole thing, but he is not particularly thrilled when she lifts his lips to examine his teeth. He is patient with her, but he does not really like it at all. However, she always gives him a bone at the end, and he decides that the prodding at his mouth is well-worth the reward at the end.

Strong - Does not understand what a dentist is. When she explains, he is not impressed at all. He thinks that it is dumb to look at people's teeth. Why bother with them? They're just for chewing up food. And when she offers to look inside of his mouth, he is very displeased and somewhat angry. He tells her quickly that she does not need to look inside of his mouth and that is absolutely ridiculous.

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