F!Sole's Cooking

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Cait - Is not expecting much when she first forks a bit of it, but decides she will give it a chance since she is hungry and she's not one to be horribly picky about what she eats. As soon as the stuff meets her tastebuds, her eyes go wide and she starts eating the stuff as if it will disappear before her very eyes. She is asking for seconds before she even finishes her plate.

Piper - Is very, very skeptical at first. After all, she saw what F!Sole put in there and it did not look like a good mix of ingredients. But to spare her Blue's feelings, she carefully picks up a tiny bit of it and takes a bite, aiming to suffer through it if she has to. However, to her immense shock, the stuff is actually one of the best things she has ever tasted. She gets a huge grin on her face as she tarts shoveling the stuff in. With her mouth as full as it can be while still allowing for a bit of conversation, Piper starts complimenting F!Sole and asking for the specific instructions on how to make it so she can completely wow the ever-unimpressed Nat.

Curie - Is confident that F!Sole can cook. After all, F!Sole seems confident in herself and her abilities to cook, so Curie hopes for the best. When she bites into it, her eyes light up with life renewed and she looks at F!Sole as if she is some sort of heavenly angel before declaring that her current plate of food is the best food that she has ever had since coming into her synth body. Which naturally does wonders for F!Sole's ego. The entire time after that, Curie is showering her with compliments and making happy humming noises and just enjoying the food. She then asks if F!Sole could cook that exact dish every night.

MacCready - When he sees how she's making the weird concoction, he proclaims how it sort of reminds him of the way Lucy used to cook things. Of course, Lucy was not quite that good at cooking, but she certainly mixed ingredients together in strange, unforeseen ways not unlike F!Sole. Therefore, when the food is served to him, he turns around to make sure there's a clear path to a place for him to escape and barf if needed. But when he tastes it, he completely forgets all escape plans in favor of practically diving into the food before him. When the plate is completely empty, he asks her if she could cook more of that very soon. Like maybe at the next mealtime.

Deacon - Tries not to look too hard at the ingredients as she's making it, but knows what things that she's throwing together. When he is handed his plate, he tries to steady himself and give her an actual chance. Maybe she's good at cooking? This theory is confirmed quickly. As soon as he tastes it, he's eating it like crazy until he's finished the last bite and then he's licking his fingers for any remaining taste. He wastes no time in asking her if she could cook that for the gang back at HQ. After all, he wants to see Doctor Carrington's face when F!Sole proves herself to be more than just an agent. If they're going to get him to finally see her like Deacon does, F!Sole's cooking is most certainly the best way to go.

Codsworth - Cannot actually eat it. But he does comment on how incredible it looks and how it must be absolutely amazing since everyone is eating it at a lightning pace. He waste no time in attempting to compare it to pre-war cuisine and mentioning how it looks like different dishes. 

Hancock - Does not know what to think when he sees her making it. It does not look like a good mix, and he does not really want to eat it but at the same time, he knows she is good at pretty much everything she does, so he just goes with it. He trusts her. When she finally serves it to him, he takes a bite quickly, curious what it will taste like. When it meets his mouth, he almost feels like there are some kind of fireworks going off and a choir singing nearby. After a moment, he looks at her and asks her, completely dead-serious, if she had put some kind of souped-up chems inside when he wasn't looking.

Danse - Is more than a little afraid at first, and he is not entirely sure he wants to eat it. But because she looks so hopeful about him trying it, he decides that he can miserably cram the stuff down his throat and try to look at least a little happy about it. But when he actually tastes it, his eyes get big and he looks at F!Sole in shock. He only has one thing to say before he digs in--- "Outstanding."

Preston - Can't help but wonder if the stuff is going to be toxic when he eats it, but he tries to stay positive even if the stuff kind of looks like something puked on his plate. He sticks his spoon and sort of fiddles with it a little before taking a tentative small bite. When he tries it, his eyes light up and he raises his eyebrows as he looks at her, questioning playfully if she has any more tricks up her sleeve that he should know about. He happily finishes the rest of it and starts making suggestions that she should teach that recipe to the Minutemen so that they could make the best and the fullest use of available food resources. 

Valentine - Cannot eat it, but he can definitely smell it. It activates a pre-war memory of the original Nick Valentine and he gets intense nostalgia as he asks F!Sole if she thinks it smells like whatever food he is thinking of. When she agrees, they both begin to reminisce about the old times and the food of days gone by.

X6-88 - Does not really want to eat any of it at first, insisting that he has rations and that it is really not necessary to eat something with the combination of ingredients that she just mixed. He finally concedes, though, when F!Sole looks so disheartened by his lack of desire to even try it. When he actually gives it a chance, he finds the food to be quite satisfactory and expresses that to F!Sole. This is probably one of the highest compliments that can be received from X6-88. Well, that and how he surreptitiously withdraws a ration container from his pocket and rakes some of the leftover food into it.

Dogmeat - If he manages to get a bite of it (which he usually does since Piper can't resist feeding him human food) he is wagging like crazy and licking all over the surface or the hand that had the food on it. Usually he ends up ratting out whoever gave him the food because he won't leave them alone until they give him another bite.

Strong - Does not expect anything good or anything bad, and is aiming on proceeding with it just like he would with any meal. But when he gets a hulking mouthful of it, he actually pauses and looks down at it before looking at F!Sole for a moment. After that one short pause, he wastes no time in standing up and grabbing the pot or pan with the rest of the dish and pouring it all onto his plate before pigging out.

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