F!Sole Using V.A.T.S. to Hit Targets Accurately and Shoot Grenade in Mid-Air

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Cait - "Are ye on jet or something?! There's no way ye could've hit all of those without being high as a kite!"

Piper - "Y'know, Blue, sometimes I seriously wonder what you actually did before the war. Were you really just a lawyer?"

Curie - "Incredible, Madame! Your eyesight must be twenty-twenty and your abilities to process depth perception and anticipate locations ahead of time are absolutely inspiring!"

MacCready - "Wow.... In all my time of being a sniper, I honest to goodness can pretty much safely say that I've never shot a grenade out of the air..."

Deacon - "Okay... I think you and Glory need to have a talk. She could learn a lot from you about not blowing an entire area apart with bullets while just trying to kill three guys..."

Codsworth - "Impressive, Mum!!! With that sort of military-like expertise you're showing off, I'll bet the hubby would be quite proud indeed!"

Hancock - "That... is absolutely incredible. How do you--- You know what? I'm not going to ask. I think it's one of those weird tricks that only you know how to do by some way that I could never understand."

Danse - "Outstanding..... Perhaps you should speak to Maxson and share this ability with him. He could surely find a great position for you to be an instructor and teach others how to pull off incredible feats such as this!"

Preston - "As if you couldn't prove yourself to be even more amazing..." *cue heart-eyes*

Valentine - "Y'know, counting my own memories and the old Nick Valentine's memories together, I still don't think I've ever seen anything like that. You're really something, kid."

X6-88 - "That is even beyond the abilities of a courser... How did you do that?"

Dogmeat - Does not get what just happened, but the bad guys just fell over and died suddenly, and he is happy. His human is safe, so he considers this to be the most important thing and a huge victory.

Strong - "Tiny human has better aim than super-mutant?! HOW?!!!"

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