Finding out F!Sole Used to Be Part of Enclave

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Cait - As soon as she finds out who the Enclave really are and how they ran things, she is extremely angry about the entire thing. She thinks it is a true piece of crap thing to do to freeze one's own people and deceive them like that. She is not particularly happy with F!Sole for participating in it either. However, the anger does not stay with her for too long and she lets it go.

Piper - Has a lot of questions. She is not happy at all that F!Sole used to support such a disgusting organization that wanted to control and harm the lives of so many. However, given the way F!Sole has been trying to make a difference in this world for the positive, Piper just looks forward and away from F!Sole's past, willing to forgive her and move on.

Curie - Is very fascinated, but is very disappointed to know that F!Sole was working for a group that was so evil. She does not understand why F!Sole would want to work for them, regardless of the power she possessed as a result of her position.

MacCready - Is honestly sort of shocked. He knows his share about the Enclave, and he cannot believe that she used to be part of such a horrible thing. He tries to move past it, but it does linger in his mind, and it takes him a little while to completely put it behind him.

Deacon - Knows that everyone has a part of their past they're not proud of, so he lets her have hers. He doesn't shame her for it, and he just looks at the person that he is with now and tries to let her leave the woman she was behind.

Codsworth - Already knew that she used to be part of the Enclave, and he will support her no matter what she did. He is designed to serve her, and he knows that whatever she does or did is and was likely best at the time.

Hancock - Is unhappy with her for being a part of them, but he ultimately lets it go. It was a long time ago, and he knows that she's different now. He can see it within her and her actions. Therefore, while knowing it, he just lets it go and keeps seeing her as he always has.

Danse - Is extremely disappointed in her, but he understands why she did it. Sometimes people participate in the wrong things when they're trying to be a part of something. He ultimately just tries to center his mind on the now. After all, she seems to be a different person than she was back then.

Preston - Is shocked and really disappointed in her for making that choice back then. There is a small part of him that worries she might just be trying to achieve that amount of control over people all over again, but when he sees how dedicated she is to helping even in the smallest, most unnecessary ways, he ultimately decides that she must be genuine, and he decides to let it go.

Valentine - Knows a lot about the group since the old Nick Valentine had sniffed out some bad things about them before the bombs fell. He hates the Enclave, and he is very unhappy to find out that F!Sole participated in such a disgusting organization. However, he tries to focus on her current self instead.

X6-88 - Is truly unaffected by it and is actually fascinated by it. He asks quite a few questions, and he believes that if the Institute could model itself after them, they might could be very successful in their goals indeed.

Dogmeat - Does not care. He loves her a ton, and it does not matter to him what she did before or even what she does now. As long as she is kind to him, that is all that matters, and he will support her unconditionally.

Strong - Does not give one single crap. It does not affect him, and he does not even really understand what the whole thing means. Therefore, it is of no consequence to him whatsoever.

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