Piper: Her Platonic Relationships with Companions

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Cait - Piper doesn't like her at all. Cait severely annoys Piper because she frequently seems to think that she can take F!Sole from Piper even though everyone in the entire world should obviously know that Piper is F!Sole's best friend for life.

Curie- Piper's fond of her and likes her quite a bit. Curie is so sweet that Piper honestly can't resist feeling partial to her. Curie always shows interest in Piper's stories and even takes actual, physical notes with great enthusiasm, which naturally boosts the reporter's ego a little.

MacCready - Piper tolerates him. She's been kind of on the fence about it. She doesn't appreciate his sense of self-service, but she feels sorry for him and his situation with his son. However, she definitely likes how he treats her BFF Blue.

Deacon - Piper is annoyed by him. Between the constant and perpetual lying that he seems to make a habit of, he won't tell her anything about the Railroad despite the fact that F!Sole has assured him that she's reliable. After all, F!Sole--- with Desdemona's approval, of course, after putting in a good word for Piper--- showed Piper the Railroad headquarters.

Codsworth - Piper really likes Codsworth. She finds him to be extremely interesting, and besides the fact that she enjoys his fancy British accent, she loves to hear his stories of F!Sole's old life. Not that F!Sole wouldn't tell her, but thanks to Codsworth's robotic memory, he can remember much more acutely and in much more detail than F!Sole sometimes can.

Hancock - Piper feels something in the neighborhood of fear, disgust, and respect for him. She kind of thinks he's a loose cannon just waiting to go off and she is frequently disgusted by him because of his flirting with her. That makes her severely uncomfortable. However, she does respect him somewhat because he has a strong sense of freedom for the people. She just wished that it didn't come with a ridiculous amount of insanity and chems.

Danse - Piper is annoyed by him and thinks he's much too high and mighty. He's always looking down on her from his already tall position in his power armor, and coupled with his condescending tone he always addresses her with, he ultimately irritates her immensely.

Preston - Piper admires him and likes him a lot. She thinks the Minutemen are great and she loves how Preston always wants to help the people of the Commonwealth. She thinks that he is a great guy and he's always nice and respectful to her, so he's good in her book.

Valentine - Piper greatly admires him and looks up to him. She finds him to be an endless wealth of knowledge and information (second only to F!Sole) and she also greatly enjoys his sense of humor. He's always tried to look out for her, and he's one of the few people that doesn't dislike her and doesn't refuse to be seen with her.

X6-88 - Piper dislikes him quite a bit. While Piper supports synth rights and likes synths, she hates X6-88 because he wants to imprison synths and he represents all of the core values that the Institute stands for.

Dogmeat - Piper absolutely loves the dog. She always makes sure to give him a good scratching as soon as she sees him, and she always shares her sweet rolls with him, even though F!Sole jokingly tells Piper that she's going to make the dog fat. But Piper can't resist it because she just loves the doggo.

Strong - Piper is unnerved by him and dislikes him. He somewhat scares her because F!Sole is literally the only thing between civilized, good super-mutant and crazed, horrible killing machine. It also doesn't help that he's so haughty and thinks that super-mutants are so much better than humans. That terribly annoys her.

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