Cheering Up F!Sole

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Cait - Offers them a drink or asks if they want to go out and get into a bar fight. If they decline those options, then she offers her hand and holds F!Sole's for a while. She might even hug them if F!Sole initiates it. Cait usually isn't much for initiating these types of things and she's horrible at cheering people up, but she will gladly try her best for her best friend.

Piper - Immediately tells one of her infamous stories of danger and her certain death and throws that typical hilarious twist on the whole thing. She cannot stand for her Blue to be sad and she'll likely throw in several hugs and maybe a few cuddles along with her wild story.

Curie - Soothingly strokes F!Sole's hair and sings a little as she combs it with her fingers. Most of the songs are in French, but it usually works to cheer F!Sole up because it is so adorable to hear Curie sing. Curie also will proceed to try to teach F!Sole how to speak some French if F!Sole doesn't know the language.

MacCready - Usually awkwardly tries to discuss whatever might be wrong. He's pretty crappy at comforting, but he will like put his hand on her shoulder and squeeze a little in an attempt to give a little comfort.

Deacon - Similarly to Piper, he tells a story. However, his covers the times that he has dressed up as different people and played tricks on folks. F!Sole can never really be sure if it's entirely true, but she tries to just take his stories at face value unless they directly affect her or someone close to her. His stories usually cheer her up from their sheer level of strangeness and hilarity.

Codsworth - Tells his typical nerdy, weird jokes that he finds exceedingly humorous that are basically like dad jokes but with sciency style. If that fails, he will usually move on to recalling times from the good old days when Mum, Sir, and young Shaun were all together. Which unfortunately usually makes F!Sole some bittersweet combo of happy and sad.

Hancock - Offers chems if she's into that sort of thing. If she's not a chem person, then he tries to talk about whatever it is with her. If it's nothing in particular, then he'll ask her to turn on Diamond City radio. When she complies, he asks her to dance with him, and inevitably ends up making her laugh with his moves and the jokes thrown in throughout.

Danse - Incorporates a bit more of that dry humor into their conversations in an attempt to make her smile at least a little. He doesn't know how to handle her being less than her usual self and if she hugs him, he wastes no time in enveloping her entirely in his arms in a giant hug until she feels better. His hugs seem to be healing for her.

Preston - Tries to distract her by suggesting something productive for the both of them to go do. After all, there's always another settlement that could use help. Of course, if she's not up to it, he's perfectly okay with just sitting and talking about nothing.

Valentine - Usually just asks what's wrong. If there's nothing in particular bugging her but it's just one of those days, he talks to her and tells her some of his best memories from the original Nick Valentine's life and sometimes even some happy memories from his current life.

X6-88 - Recommends an Institute therapist. He also explains that if she spends all day feeling sorry for herself or experiencing whatever emotions she's having, she is going to slow them down in their missions to the point that she is a liability. As a whole, he doesn't do cheering up. At all.

Dogmeat - Jumps up and licks her face. If this is not successful in getting her to laugh or smile (it's a very rare day that it doesn't work), he will pull out the big guns. He'll proceed to chase his tail like a nutcase and he'll sometimes catch it in his mouth and shake it a bit like it's some kind of terrible enemy. This always without fail makes her laugh no matter how sad she might be or how hard of a day it might have been.

Strong - Gives surprisingly motivating pep talk. His speech consists of "MILK OF HUMAN KINDNESS," "WEAK LITTLE HUMAN," and the most motivating words yet--- "STRONG SHOULD JUST EAT TINY HUMAN FOR BEING SO WEAK." Something about that always gets F!Sole off of her butt and on her feet to go do something more productive than being unhappy.

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