F!Sole as Tattoo Artist and Offers to Give Companions Free Tattoo

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Cait - Is rather impressed. It is rare in the Commonwealth to find someone who knows how to actually professionally put a tattoo on someone. She considers getting a tattoo, but she is truly not sure what she would even want. F!Sole discusses a few possibilities with her, and Cait finally asks F!Sole if there's something that can represent her being chem-free. Finally she settles for a chain tattooed up her arm with it breaking around the scars where she had stabbed psycho in herself so many times. It is beautifully well-made and speaks volumes.

Piper - Honestly is surprised that someone that looks like they came from such a perfect Pre-War world actually knows how to put tattoos on people. Despite the fact that it does not really bother her if other people have one, she personally has never wanted one. But she makes sure to thank her Blue for the kind thought, though.

Curie - Is rather fascinated, but is a little upset. She herself does not exactly approve of tattoos due to hearing some of the other doctors discuss the fact that they look unprofessional in their opinions. Therefore, she believes it is proper to avoid tattoos. When F!Sole offers her one, she very politely declines, making sure to thank her for her kindness in considering her.

MacCready - Is honestly quite shocked that she knows how to put tattoos on people. However, when she asks him if he wants her to give him one, he declines her offer. Strangely, he does not want a tattoo. He says that he does not want something on him that will stay with him forever. She, of course, respects that decision.

Deacon - Is really impressed and definitely wants to take her up on her offer to give one. However, he does not want it on a part of his body that might show. After all, he likes to be unrecognizable, and having something so identifiable that could make him stand out is not something he wants. Therefore, she ends up giving it to him on his hip so his underwear and pants will cover it up. He ends up getting a tattoo of a small pair of sunglasses.

Hancock - Is very excited and is already asking if he could get her to put a tattoo on him before she even gets around to offering. He immediately comes up with what he wants and he asks for a large eagle spread across his upper back with "Of the People, For the People" written in fancy cursive lettering across its wingspan. He is positively thrilled with his tattoo and makes sure to thank her profusely by offering her a place to make a business in Goodneighbor.

Danse - Finds is to be quite odd indeed. He would have never really thought that she was a tattoo artist, but he knows quite a few people in the Brotherhood that would probably like to have one. Danse himself is honestly a little shy around needles and does not particularly want to get one, even though he appreciates her offer.

Preston - Thinks that she just keeps getting more and more incredible every day. When she offers a tattoo to him, he has to think about it for a while. He finally asks her to tattoo across the underside of his right arm "For the Commonwealth" in pretty, old-style lettering on a ribbon. He feels that it represents his values and to carry it with him in such a physical form is reassuring to him somehow.

Valentine - Is very shocked, but he is sort of impressed. It is a rare skill in high demand throughout the Commonwealth. When she offers him one, he declines, unsure if she would even be able to put one on him. His skin is not exactly as malleable and forgiving as human skin, after all.

X6-88 - Finds it to be very interesting, and he cannot help but wonder what it would look like on his skin. After much persuasion and encouragement, he finally agrees to let her print "DEATH" in nice lettering across his upper chest. He is sure to thank her, and he even smiles just a tiny bit. He truly adores it and he will cherish it forever.

Strong - When F!Sole explains the meaning of tattoo artist to him and what a tattoo even is, Strong wants no part of it. He definitely does not want to sit through something that is going to hurt him and that will take so long to do.

Maxson - Is very surprised, but is also very impressed with her. When she offers him a tattoo, he ends up asking for Ad Victoriam written in a nice Roman style font on the topside of his left arm. When she finally finishes it, he is very pleased and takes the opportunity to roll up his sleeves for any given reason just to show it off. 

Sturges - Thinks that she is really a true wonder and very unique. He does not want a tattoo, but he greatly appreciates her offer, and he makes sure to tell her so. He also makes sure to express that he thinks she really is unlike any other person he has ever met.

Glory - Is positively hyped, and she is very excited when F!Sole offers a free one. She ends up asking F!Sole for a large one to envelop her right arm around her elbow. That way, she can roll up her sleeves and very easily show it off if she wants, but can also remain undercover if she absolutely has to. She ends up getting a tattoo of an eagle breaking free from chains.

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