F!Sole Having Tibetan Mastiff

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Cait - "Aw, great. Now you've got a giant ugly rat with you! And this one's fluffier than the last one!"

Piper - "Dang, Blue, did you bring home a dog or an overgrown fur coat with legs? He's adorable, but he looks like something on the cover of the furniture store. Picture it: *activates hilarious Piper Wright announcer voice* 'Fur rug sale this Saturday! Get them big, smelly, and hairy!'"

Curie - "Ooh, Madame! It is so fluffy! May I perform studies upon this very interesting specimen?!"

MacCready - "Dang, boss, couldn't you have gotten something smaller? Wasn't Dogmeat big enough for you?"

Deacon - "Hey, it's not a Deathclaw named Fluffy, but I think the name suits this big guy/gal well enough."

Codsworth - "Goodness, Miss F!Sole! What a beautiful dog! One question, though... How much does it shed?"

Hancock - "Exotic. I like it... You know where I can get me one of those? I could really scare the respect into some folks in Goodneighbor with that thing."

Danse - "Soldier, this is a fine creature, and I think that the Brotherhood could greatly benefit from befriending and partnering with these animals."

Preston - "So much for settling for a poodle..."

Valentine - "Wow. You go big or go home, don't ya? Maybe next time I oughtta go with you when you're hunting down new canine companions..."

X6-88 - "You already have one dog. Why would you need another? And this one is particularly and abnormally... large..."

Dogmeat - Who is this new dog and why does it think that it can just follow F!Sole around like it's her dog? He immediately hates the dog, and he proceeds to assert his dominance by demanding all of F!Sole's pets and attention.

Strong - "Big hairy mutt could be good fighter. Would also be good eating."

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