F!Sole Tells Them She's Pregnant

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Cait - Is somewhere between scared and cautiously happy for F!Sole. She is deeply afraid for F!Sole because Cait knows how much this baby means to F!Sole and how much she wants to have the chance to see it grow up. Cait is cautiously happy for her because of that same reason. Therefore, Cait is always sure to throw herself in front of F!Sole no matter what the situation. Whoever wants to hurt F!Sole and her baby is going to have to go through Cait first. Rest assured, it will be a really bloody battle and a really bad idea to try getting through Cait.

Piper - Is overjoyed, worried, and excited all at the same time. Overjoyed because her Blue has been gifted a new chance at raising a child, worried because she knows that while F!Sole has tons of friends she also has a lot of enemies, and excited to see what the baby will look like. She immediately offers any help that she can and frequently asks to feel the baby. When she is informed that it's not big enough to feel, she looks a little embarrassed but always shrugs it off with a huge grin and says that she's just checking in case. After all, she wants to be the first to feel it kick.

Curie - Starts to cry from the pure happiness that is overwhelming her system. She is so excited about the idea of a sweet baby joining the weird ragtag family F!Sole has. From then on, Curie proceeds to prattle on about hundreds of baby studies that she has stored in her memory. She ends up creeping F!Sole out with some of the information, but overall, Curie tries her best to be as helpful as possible throughout the pregnancy.

MacCready - Gets a little emotional, but will do his best to keep F!Sole from knowing. He is so, so happy for her, and he cannot help but feel protective of her since it reminds him of Lucy when she was pregnant. He will try to keep sharper in battle and often suggests more covert approaches in order to keep her and the baby out of harm's way.

Deacon - At first thinks she is joking. After she fully explains that she is entirely serious, he cannot help but grin. He thinks it is awesome that she is having another kid, and he wants to help in any way he can. He also covertly sends word to Desdemona and asks her to avoid sending F!Sole on so many missions and to instead send him on the more dangerous ones.

Codsworth - Is absolutely and utterly beside himself with joy. F!Sole is finally having another baby and he cannot wait to help her take care of it. From then on, he frequently is asking if she needs anything and brings her a ton of food at meals, insisting that she is now eating for two. Despite the fact that Curie is always correcting him about this fallacy.

Hancock - Is positively warmed by the idea and he tells her that she and the baby will be completely untouchable. Keeping true to his promise, he keeps a close eye on her and "explains" to everyone in Goodneighbor about how if anything were to happen to her or the baby during this special time, he will personally ensure that the person responsible will see a fate worse than death. He also has no problem threatening people throughout the Commonwealth that look a little shady and have their eye on her.

Danse - Immediately vows to protect her and the child with his life. He also sort of babies her and tries to keep her from doing too much work. He does not want anything to happen to her or the baby and he will do anything to keep them safe. He often will not let her go and do anything without him accompanying her. 

Preston - Is extremely happy for her, but quits sending her on as many missions for the Minutemen. It does not take her long to catch on, and she chastises him for it, but he just cannot help it. He knows that sending her out on missions will endanger her and the baby, and he honestly cannot imagine anything worse than the possibility of her losing another child.

Valentine - Is surprised but overjoyed for her. He thinks it is a wonderful thing that she is having another baby, and he wants to do whatever he can to help her throughout her pregnancy. As she progresses throughout her pregnancy, he tells a ton of stories in a slightly louder voice than usual so that the baby can hear them as well. It's very cute to say the least. 

X6-88 - Is as happy as can be expected. He is very pleased that there will be another successor in the bloodline of the family. Perhaps this small child will one day grow to be as successful as F!Sole's older son.

Dogmeat - Does not totally understand, but he does see that she is very happy and he senses something strange in her stomach area. He can somehow tell that there's something important in there. As she continues throughout her pregnancy, he comes to realize that the thing inside her pokes him when he lays his head on her stomach. He has even started a game with it where he pokes her stomach with his nose and the thing inside pokes him back.

Strong - Does not completely get it, and he at first thinks she ate a baby. But after she explains it all, he is a little disgusted. Human reproduction is so horrifying. Even super mutants aren't that grotesque...

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