F!Sole Makes Movie Since She Got Projector Working and Offers Cameo to Friends

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Cait - Does not really know how she feels. She thinks it is really cool that F!Sole is making a movie from scratch, but she is not sure if she actually wants to be in the production. However, when F!Sole pulls out the big guns and says that she would love for one of her best friends to be in the movie, Cait caves in and tries her best to successfully participate in the movie.

Piper - Is pretty excited, and asks if she can help F!Sole make the movie. When F!Sole actually offers her a part in it, Piper is shocked, but she quickly agrees, finding herself thrilled at the prospect of being able to participate in a film. She also is excited to write about her experience in Publick Occurences.

Curie - Is thrilled and quite fascinated with the project. She is almost beside herself with happiness when F!Sole asks her to be in the movie. She is bouncing constantly and it is all she can do to actually stop moving around so much and to play her part.

MacCready - Thinks that it is absolutely awesome that she's making a movie. When she offers him a cameo, he agrees immediately, excited beyond belief as he practices different voices for his role. He is definitely loving the idea of being in a movie.

Deacon - Absolutely loves the idea of her making a movie and is offering to join before she even says anything about him having a cameo. He jokingly questions if she wants him to throw a bunch of drama into it. He also tells her that he can play multiple roles and that it'll be just like going undercover.

Codsworth - Is quite interested when she says she is making a movie, and he offers to help in any way he can. Needless to say, he is deeply and truly touched when she asks him to be in her movie, and he is quickly agreeing to whatever part she'd like him to play before he even knows the details. All he knows is that she cares about him so much that she would invite him to participate in something so special.

Hancock - Definitely wants to participate as soon as she brings up the movie and says she's making one. He secretly pulls together a wardrobe and when she asks him if he wants to make a cameo, he proudly shows her. He then jokingly asks her if she wants him to model for her so she can see which one she likes the most for her film.

Danse - Finds the process to be very interesting. He follows her around, asking questions about it. However, when she offers him a cameo, he agrees, but is extremely nervous and mostly just agreed to it because she wanted him to do it. As soon as she gives him some lines, he is reciting them constantly and trying to master them. 

Preston - Loves the idea of making a movie. He is very excited by the prospect of seeing her handiwork on the big screen at Starlight Drive-In. When she offers him a place in the film, he is pleased by her thinking of him, but he starts to decline. She finally manages to convince him, though, and he is soon trying to recite movie lines in a convincing manner. But it makes it really hard to be convincing when he is more busy grinning than acting.

Valentine - Thinks it's wonderful that she's making a movie. However, when she offers a cameo, he does not particularly want to join, although he is flattered by the offer. But he ends up participating to make her happy, and even though he doesn't do too well of a job with acting, he tries his best.

X6-88 - Finds it very interesting that she is making a movie. He personally does not see the point in it. However, when she asks him to be in it, he goes along with it, despite not wanting to participate. He plays his part well, however, because she gives him a role similar to his current one. He has more fun with it than he wants to admit.

Dogmeat - Does not understand what she's doing or saying, but she seems very happy with it, so he is extremely happy, too. Whatever she wants him to do, he will do it without question. He especially loves how excited she gets and how many pets he gets as a result of his obedience.

Strong - Does not really want to participate. However, when she says this is just part of the journey of finding milk of human kindness, he begrudgingly goes along with it. He is not pleased, but if it helps him to find the milk, he'll go along with it.

Maxson - Is immediately intrigued. He loves figuring out anything he can about how films and many other things worked in Pre-War times, and he particularly enjoys her discussions about how it all worked. But when she offers him a part in the movie, he does not really want to participate, so he politely declines, focusing instead on the aspect of what's behind the camera.

Sturges - Is pretty excited about it, and offers to help in any way that he can. When she offers him a place in the movie, he agrees to it mostly easily. He is not very good at it at all, but he just laughs and does his best.

Glory - Is somewhat interested when she first hears about it. However, when F!Sole offers her a place in the movie, she does not really want to participate, finding that she would much rather watch F!Sole work on it. But if F!Sole begs enough, she'll probably give in and give it at least a halfhearted try.

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