F!Sole Having Pet Parrot that Came with Her from Pre-War Times

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Cait - Really likes how it can alert people to danger before it is upon them, but the talking thing is kind of a turn-off for her. She definitely does not really appreciate how it starts squawking crap that is negative toward her that sounds suspiciously like it's in Piper's voice.

Piper - Is really curious about it, and thinks that the way it repeats what people say is absolutely hilarious. She actually starts telling it all sorts of things in hopes of it repeating them. The highest on her list to teach the bird is "Cait sucks!" Of course, she also makes jabs at several other people. Especially Danse.

Curie - Is absolutely fascinated with the creature, and loves the fact that she can so readily get a really good look at a species that is practically unheard of in the Commonwealth. She loves to examine the bird and lift its wings. She also thinks it is very entertaining when it repeats things in her accent.

MacCready - Thinks the pet is pretty awesome. However, the moment that he accidentally lets a curse slip from between his lips, the parrot jumps on it like stink on crap and everyone knows he was the one who taught it that because it imitates his voice perfectly.

Deacon - Absolutely loves the way that it repeats phrases, and he wastes no time in contributing his own sarcastic comments to the bird's repertoire. Between him and Piper, the bird is spouting all sorts of jibes and hilarious one-liners. He also appreciates the bird's ability to detect things before they arrive because it allows him to better spy on people.

Codsworth - Is ecstatic to see the family pet back to where it belongs, and he eagerly takes care of the creature for F!Sole. He loves to praise the bird and give it treats when he can. He also really likes the way it repeats phrases and can even imitate his accent perfectly.

Hancock - When he first hears it talk, he sort of thinks he might be high. No animal talks. But after he figures out that this one has the ability to imitate, he is much more fond of it, and he likes to listen to it repeat phrases. Except when it starts spouting Piper's crap about him being the second-worst mayor around.

Danse - Is very pleased with how the bird alerts people of danger before it comes, and it allow him to quickly prepare so he can meet enemies with the business end of his laser rifle. However, he does not really like how it talks so much and imitates people constantly because it oftentimes sounds just like Piper saying, "Danse is a giant fuddy-duddy." However, he has secretly tried to teach it how to say Ad Victoriam, but it never picks it up unfortunately.

Preston - Thinks that the parrot is pretty entertaining, but he mostly appreciates it for its danger-alerting abilities. It has saved the Castle from several surprise raids, which he is very grateful for. Many of the Minutemen are big fans of the bird, and they all make sure to save up treats for it whenever it comes by for a visit with the General.

Valentine - Really likes the bird, and thinks it's very charming in its own way. He thinks that the way it imitates the others is cute, and Piper as well as Deacon's contributions to its vocabulary are really funny, and he has to hold back a chuckle when he hears Cait letting loose an unending flow of curses after the bird calls her a "red-headed woodpecker" in Piper's voice.

X6-88 - Does not like the bird at all. He thinks that it makes for an inviting target because it is so brightly colored and because it is constantly talking all the time. Honestly, he sometimes feels like shooting it. However, he does not because it means so much to F!Sole and it does prove to be useful in warning people of upcoming danger.

Dogmeat - Is very happy to have a new friend even if this animal is not at all like him. He is disappointed to find that the creature does not like to play fetch or run around Sanctuary, but he is very happy when he figures out that it likes to bark just like him.

Strong - Thinks that the bird is really, really annoying with all of its talking, and he honestly just thinks that it would make for good eating. However, when he finally figures out that the creature is able to alert them of danger, he sees more value in the animal. But he still kind of wants to know what it tastes like.

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