F!Sole Getting Projector Working at Starlight Drive In

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Cait - Is surprised at the fact that she actually has it going. When she hears the news, she jokingly asks if F!Sole can put on a horror movie. F!Sole easily arranges Cait's request, and Cait is absolutely shocked at how realistic everything on the screen looks. Of course, she's only once seen an actual movie and it was about a talking dog. In fact, though she would rather die than admit it, she is somewhat terrified by the end of the film and she is jumping at every shadow.

Piper - Is absolutely thrilled and is immediately asking F!Sole to pull out some movies to watch on the big screen. F!Sole gladly complies, and the both of them watch one of the movies that came out just before the bombs. Piper is absolutely enthralled the entire time, and she hardly speaks as she just watches. She has never had the privilege to see actual TV or a movie, so it is the most amazing thing she has ever witnessed and actually leaves her speechless. When it is finally over, she suggests that they do this again on another night so they could show Nat.

Curie - Is practically bouncing when F!Sole first tells her and she asks if they can watch a movie immediately. Unfortunately, she has to wait until sundown, and by then, she has picked out multiple movies to watch, all of them piled in her arms. Every single one of them are feel-good movies intended to make the viewer cry, and Curie is indeed blubbering by the time they finish binge-watching. She makes sure to clap and hoot for the actors and actresses as if they could actually hear her.

MacCready - Is honestly shocked, but is a little skeptical about whether it will actually play any film. F!Sole asks him to go find a movie he would like to watch, and he brings her a movie about the Silver Shroud. To his excitement and pure joy, the movie actually plays and he is just staring at it with his mouth hanging open like a child watching its favorite show. He is positively bumfuzzled by it, and he is totally in love.

Deacon - Asks her if she is absolutely sure that she has the projector working correctly. When she says that she is one hundred percent certain, he asks her if he can ask some of the other Railroad folks to come and watch with them. She agrees, and that very night, there are several Railroad members there undercover. Even Desdemona came to watch. By the time it is all over, everyone is very impressed. Deacon wastes no time in bragging and telling everyone that if they wouldn't have taken his word for it when she wanted to join, then they'd never get to enjoy all this.

Codsworth - Is ecstatic with the fact that F!Sole has managed to bring a major piece of Pre-War culture back to life. He is there with her every step of the way, feeling such overwhelming emotion when he sees the movie start on the big screen. He places a pincer on her shoulder, squeezing gently as he quietly tells her how proud sir would be of where they are now.

Hancock - Is very pleased and quite interested in the entire idea. He even asks if she thinks she could get another one going in Goodneighbor. He thinks it would be valuable tourist attraction and that it could boost morale for his citizens. However, in the meantime, they just spend some time together as they watch a movie about revolutions and dystopian societies. He is utterly in love and has officially declared himself a huge fan of the young heroine starring in the movie that gave everything for the love of a sibling.

Danse - Is utterly fascinated, and is quickly asking to watch a movie. When she asks for a particular genre, he very sheepishly and quietly asks if they can watch a Western. She, of course, complies and they are soon enjoying stories of the Wild West, a world completely lost now that the bombs have fell and the years have passed. He is excited as can be throughout the entire movie, barely containing himself as he jumps a bit when gunfights erupt and horses run toward the viewer.

Preston - Believes her wholeheartedly when she says she has the projector going. As a direct result, he invites as many minutemen that are willing to come so they can see the wonderful work their general has done. When F!Sole puts on a movie, everyone is amazed, but none moreso than Preston. He is in absolute awe of the movie, but particularly, he is admiring his general for being so incredibly talented.

Valentine - So many memories are immediately washing upon him about drive-ins and all manners of things. He asks her if there are any mystery movies stored around the place, and she gladly pulls out the first one she finds. They both sit there together, only partially listening to the movie as they mostly spend time discussing old stories of their past drive-in visits before the bombs.

X6-88 - Is very impressed, but expresses his wish that the screen should be used as a manner in which to offer informative briefings and whatnot. F!Sole asks him to sit and give a movie a chance and he begrudgingly complies. However, when he actually does sit down and watch it, he is pleasantly surprised and he finds himself deeply invested in it. However, he would sooner die than admit to it.

Dogmeat - Does not totally get it, but he is very glad that she is so excited. He stays by her as she fishes through a box and pulls out something oddly-shaped. Soon enough, there is a movie playing on the giant screen and he is just staring. He barks at different scenes when it looks like it's coming toward him and F!Sole. He evens runs directly up to the screen, sniffing at it. It looks so real, and he wonders why he can't smell the people in the scene and just smells a dirty old screen.

Strong - Does not really understand, so she just puts on a movie for the both of them. As soon as it comes on the screen, he is shouting and freaking out because somehow these humans have grown even bigger than a super-mutant and its honestly scaring him a little. However, he starts running toward the screen, aiming to do his best to smash. Therefore, she has to hurry to him and make him stop. Needless to say, she doesn't watch any more movies with Strong.

Maxson - When he finds out, he is considerably impressed. He questions if she is comfortable with sharing the find with the rest of the Brotherhood. When she agrees, he asks several Brotherhood operatives to come with him to watch a movie there. When it is over, they all applaud her greatly, and he tells her that she has done an excellent job. He also asks if she could possibly get another one going for solely for Brotherhood use.

Sturges - Spends a moment to discuss with her about the technical aspect of how she managed to get it going. As soon as that is out of the way, he asks her if they can put on a movie and watch it. She gets everything set up, and they both enjoy a good movie. It is unlike anything that Sturges has ever seen, and he enjoys it greatly, being sure to tell her what an amazing job she did with getting it going again.

Glory - Remembers seeing some movies played in the Institute, but she has never actually had the ability to stop and watch one. When F!Sole tells her that she has got the projector going, Glory raises an eyebrow  and asks her if she is aiming on watching something. F!Sole affirms this, and she asks her to watch something with her. Glory agrees, pretending to be not so enthusiastic, but she is very much closely watching the film when it comes on. When they are sitting there together, Glory very quietly offhandedly states that she was punished if she was spotted looking over the human's shoulders at the TVs at the Institute. She is very thankful to finally have a good experience to associate with a television.

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