Depressed F!Sole on Wedding Anniversary Listening to "Hi Honey" in Old House

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Cait - Opens her arms hesitantly once she is seated next to the woman, and F!Sole hugs her tightly. Cait is not the best at comforting, so she does the best she can, just hugging F!Sole back tightly with those bony arms. She hopes that actions indeed speak louder than words.

Piper - Just looks at F!Sole, her heart aching as she is helpless to change what was and currently is. So she settles for sitting down next to her best friend and letting her cry on her shoulder as Piper holds her and tries to think of anything she could say that could make her feel better. She ends up asking about F!Sole's husband and letting her tell her all about him.

Curie - Immediately collapses behind F!Sole and wraps her arms around her as tightly as she can, just resting her body against the woman as she tries to comfort her in the best manner that she knows how. She is in deep pain for Madame, and she just tries to quietly be there for her during this time of need.

MacCready - Sighs deeply as he sits next to her. They soon end up in a long conversation about their respective spouses, and they are both somewhere between laughing about the good times and crying about the end of those times.

Deacon - Proceeds to tell her stories about Barbara and they both just sort of bond over their shared loss. He tries to stay on the happy and positive side of things, but he knows she is suffering and that it is hard to stay upbeat. So he brings up how much pain he was in when the University Point Deathclaws killed her, and he just attempts to offer solidarity. 

Codsworth - Rests a pincer on her shoulder and they both talk about how wonderful her husband was. He shares memories of how sir bought him and brought him home as a surprise for F!Sole, and they both recount the wonderful memories that they had together during that wonderful period where they were together before the bombs. She ends up crying quite a bit more, and he finds that he would cry as well if he were able.

Hancock - Offers her as much hugs as she needs. He will just sit there with her, pulling her close against his chest as she cries. He offers to talk about it if she wants, and he even offers chems to take the edge off if she feels like it.

Danse - Does not know what to do, so he just is there for her and lets her cry all over him. He engulfs her in one of those huge bear hugs, and he tries to just provide a sense of physical reassurance for her. He tells her softly that he is there to listen if she wants to talk.

Preston - Attempts to be uplifting and asks about the happy parts of her life with her husband. Remembering him in all of his kindness and life makes her cry all over again, so Preston hugs her carefully, and whispers reassuring things to her in an attempt to cheer her up some.

Valentine - Tries to talk things out with her. He lets her grieve and tell him everything about her husband and how much he meant to her. He tries to give her some helpful advice and make her feel a little better about everything.

X6-88 - Stands stiffly nearby and watches over her. He does not do much in the way of comforting, and instead respects her space, making sure that nothing happens to her and that no one disturbs her through this period of grieving. It his own way of caring for her.

Dogmeat - Tries to fit his entire body in her lap as he licks her cheek and nuzzles close to her. He can feel her sadness, and it makes him sad, too. He does not know why she is so sad, but he is going to stay near her until she feels better about things.

Strong - Does not entirely understand. He tells her to get up and quite being so sad. He says that super-mutant brothers die and tiny humans die, too. He explains that it is the way it is and that some brothers and tiny humans die before they're supposed to. 

Maxson - Asks her to talk about what is troubling her, and he provides a listening ear. When she eventually breaks down into bigger sobs, he cautiously offers a hug, and she eagerly takes him up on it, grabbing onto him tightly and burying her face in his coat.

Sturges - Squeezes her shoulder, and pulls her into a gentle hug. When she latches onto him ridiculously tightly, he just hugs her back carefully. He whispers many comforting words to her, using many pet names in an attempt to soothe her.

Glory - Honestly does not really know what to do. She reaches out to her hesitantly, patting her on the back carefully. When F!Sole starts crying even more about her husband, Glory scoots closer to her, resting on her knees as she looks at the woman and tries to think of something useful to say. She just carefully rests her hand on F!Sole's back and rubs it. She does not know what she's doing, but she'll try her best.

A/N: Please do feel free to make a request if you guys would like to see the companions react to something! 🥰💙💛

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