F!Sole Has Beauceron

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Cait - "Now this is a tough dog. Sorta reminds me of yer other black and tan mutt. But maybe this one doesn't leave surprises in people's shoes like Dogmeat does..."

Piper - "Wow, Blue... He's like the Deathclaw of dogs. But actually gorgeous unlike the giant danger lizards running around."

Curie - "Ooh! It is rare to see a dog with such a lack of radiation, but it is even rarer to see a dog that is actually a purebred! It is even more strange to see a dog that is this uncommon of a breed! Simply exquis!"

MacCready - "Y'know, I wish you'd find a French bulldog one day. I saw a picture of one of those little guys one time, and they are adorable! But if you wanna keep dragging up the cool and slightly scary pets, I guess that's good, too."

Deacon - "Woah... I think if Glory was a dog, that's exactly what she'd look like. You've got to bring it to HQ so she can meet her four-legged twin!"

Codsworth - "Wow, Mum! What a dashing addition to the family! I'll go find a collar for him!"

Hancock - "It's almost criminal. How do you have all the luck in the world and manage to find every amazing dog that's in the Commonwealth?"

Danse - "This dog looks like he means business. I like how he carries himself. He is already a model soldier."

Preston - "Wow, General! Now that's a tough looking pooch. Nice!"

Valentine - "What a beaut. Better keep a close eye on him. A whole lot of folks will try to steal a dog that looks that good."

X6-88 - "I am quite impressed with the animal that you have discovered this time. He looks quite threatening."

Dogmeat - Just sees a new friend. The dog is the perfect size for him to play with effectively. He's not too huge and he's not too small. However, he is very surprised when the dog is not too friendly to him, and he does not seem to like other animals. Dogmeat decides that he must be bad, but F!Sole seems to like him, and that leaves Dogmeat feeling conflicted. Is he a friend or not?

Strong - "Tiny dog not good as hound... But could be good fighter. Maybe..."

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